China is lifting people out of poverty, building out infrastructure, and transitioning to clean energy at breakneck speed. In minds of some people that's equivalent to being a serial killer. This is the state of western intellect.
However, this claim is completely absurd when you stop and think about it even for a minute. That figure 1 million is repeated again and again. Let's just look at how much space would you actually need to intern one million people.
This is a photo of Rikers Island, New York City's biggest prison. The actual size of a facility interning ten thousand people.
According to Wikipedia, "The average daily inmate population on the island is about 10,000, although it can hold a maximum of 15,000." Let's assume this is a Xinjiang detention camp, holding ten to fifteen thousand people. How many of these would it take to hold one million people?
Let's do some math:
Rikers Size
Rikers Prisoners
One Million Uyghurs Size
413.2 acres (0.645 square miles)
10,000 to 15,000
43 to 64 square miles
In reality, one million people would probably take more space; all the supposed detention camps we see are much less dense than Rikers.
For comparison, San Francisco is 47 square miles. Amsterdam is 64 square miles. You'd literally need detention camps that total the size of San Francisco or Amsterdam to intern one million Uyghurs. It'd be like looking at a map of California. There's Los Angeles. There's San Diego. And look, there's San Francisco Concentration City with its one million Uyghurs.
Practically all the stories we see about China trace back to Adrian Zenz is a far right fundamentalist nutcase and not a reliable source for any sort of information. The fact that he's the primary source for practically every article in western media demonstrates precisely what I'm talking about when I say that coverage is divorced from reality.
Along with his “mission” against China, heavenly guidance has apparently prompted Zenz to denounce homosexuality, gender equality, and the banning of physical punishment against children as threats to Christianity.
The fact that this nutcase is being paraded as a credible researcher on the subject is absolutely surreal, and it's clear that the methodology of his "research" doesn't pass any kind of muster when examined closely.
It's also worth noting that there is a political angle around the narrative around Xinjiang. For example, here's George Bush's chief of staff openly saying that US wants to destabilize the region, and NED recently admitting to funding Uyghur separatism for the past 16 years on their own official Twitter page. An ex-CIA operative details US operations radicalizing and training terrorists in the region in this book. Here's an excerpt:
It's also worth noting that the accusations originate entirely from the west while Muslim majority countries support China, and their leaders have visited Xinjiang many times.
For example, here’s George Bush’s chief of staff openly saying that US wants to destabilize the region, and NED recently admitting to funding Uyghur separatism for the past 16 years on their own official Twitter page.
God damn. I didn’t know the quiet parts had become that out loud. These people suck at their jobs.
“This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.” No censorship here, though! 😂 Luckily still gotchu:
I find the fact that these people don't even bother hiding what their actual goals are is the most phenomenal part. People just keep pretending how it's all about human rights or some bullshit, but here he is just straight up explaining exactly what's going on. The video getting taken down is pretty funny though. There goes my freeze peach!
Close, but that metaphor was not equating either country with a serial killer, I was merely pointing out that one party's use of bombs does not necessarily make them worse than another party who does not use bombs. Sorry you're bad at reading
And also, it's not the infrastructure or clean energy that gets people to not like china, it's all the censorship and oppression
You were very clearly making a false equivalence there, trying to say that China is just differently bad from the US. All the oppression exists in the minds of western liberals who guzzle propaganda uncritically. Meanwhile, censorship exists everywhere, it's absolutely hilarious that westerners think that they got the level of censorship right while everyone else got it wrong. It's a perfect example of people suffering from anchoring bias thinking the rules of a society they grew up in is the natural default.
Posting racist images online is not a meaningful expression of freedom, as anybody with a functioning brain would understand. Here's what actual tangible freedom looks.
The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period.
By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014.
Winnie the Pooh is not banned in China, despite Western propaganda to the contrary.
There’s a reason you can find a lot of Americans talking about how they don’t like the American government, and not a lot of Chinese people saying they don’t like the Chinese government, and it’s not because the Chinese government is perfect.
No government is perfect, but Chinese people like their government a lot more than Americans like theirs for good reason: their material conditions have been steadily improving over the last several decades while ours have been steadily deteriorating under grinding neoliberalism.
funny 'cause when i was in china there was winnie the pooh merch in like every fuckin' store
you're full of shit and you just parrot clickbait youtube talking points instead of doing any actual research, but you're named after some libertarian right shit so i guess that tracks
Ted Kaczinsky dropped sixteen bombs, while Ted Bundy didn't drop a single one. I guess that means Kaczinsky is worse?
China is lifting people out of poverty, building out infrastructure, and transitioning to clean energy at breakneck speed. In minds of some people that's equivalent to being a serial killer. This is the state of western intellect.
Tell that to the Uyghurs China is trying to destroy that the media conveniently forgot about.
I love how there are people dumb enough to keep parroting obvious propaganda that's been debunked to death already.
The whole conspiracy theory started with a claim of millions of Uyghurs being supposedly imprisoned story is based on two highly dubious “studies.”.
However, this claim is completely absurd when you stop and think about it even for a minute. That figure 1 million is repeated again and again. Let's just look at how much space would you actually need to intern one million people.
This is a photo of Rikers Island, New York City's biggest prison. The actual size of a facility interning ten thousand people.
According to Wikipedia, "The average daily inmate population on the island is about 10,000, although it can hold a maximum of 15,000." Let's assume this is a Xinjiang detention camp, holding ten to fifteen thousand people. How many of these would it take to hold one million people?
Let's do some math:
In reality, one million people would probably take more space; all the supposed detention camps we see are much less dense than Rikers.
For comparison, San Francisco is 47 square miles. Amsterdam is 64 square miles. You'd literally need detention camps that total the size of San Francisco or Amsterdam to intern one million Uyghurs. It'd be like looking at a map of California. There's Los Angeles. There's San Diego. And look, there's San Francisco Concentration City with its one million Uyghurs.
Literally visible to the naked eye from space.
CHRD states that it interviewed dozens of ethnic Uyghurs in the course of its study, but their enormous estimate was ultimately based on interviews with exactly eight Uyghur individuals. Based on this absurdly small sample of research subjects in an area whose total population is 20 million, CHRD “extrapolated estimates” that “at least 10% of villagers […] are being detained in re-education detention camps, and 20% are being forced to attend day/evening re-education camps in the villages or townships, totaling 30% in both types of camps.” Furthermore, it doesn't even make sense from logistics perspective.
Practically all the stories we see about China trace back to Adrian Zenz is a far right fundamentalist nutcase and not a reliable source for any sort of information. The fact that he's the primary source for practically every article in western media demonstrates precisely what I'm talking about when I say that coverage is divorced from reality.
Zenz is a born-again Christian who lectures at the European School of Culture and Theology. This anodyne-sounding campus is actually the German base of Columbia International University, a US-based evangelical Christian seminary which considers the “Bible to be the ultimate foundation and the final truth in every aspect of our lives,” and whose mission is to “educate people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ.”
Zenz’s work on China is inspired by this biblical worldview, as he recently explained in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “I feel very clearly led by God to do this,” he said. “I can put it that way. I’m not afraid to say that. With Xinjiang, things really changed. It became like a mission, or a ministry.”.
Along with his “mission” against China, heavenly guidance has apparently prompted Zenz to denounce homosexuality, gender equality, and the banning of physical punishment against children as threats to Christianity.
Zenz outlined these views in a book he co-authored in 2012, titled Worthy to Escape: Why All Believers Will Not Be Raptured Before the Tribulation. In the tome, Zenz discussed the return of Jesus Christ, the coming wrath of God, and the rise of the Antichrist.
The fact that this nutcase is being paraded as a credible researcher on the subject is absolutely surreal, and it's clear that the methodology of his "research" doesn't pass any kind of muster when examined closely.
It's also worth noting that there is a political angle around the narrative around Xinjiang. For example, here's George Bush's chief of staff openly saying that US wants to destabilize the region, and NED recently admitting to funding Uyghur separatism for the past 16 years on their own official Twitter page. An ex-CIA operative details US operations radicalizing and training terrorists in the region in this book. Here's an excerpt:
US has been stoking terrorism in the region while they've been running a propaganda campaign against China in the west. In fact, US even classified Uyghur separatists as a terrorist group at one point
Here's an interview with a son of imam killed in Xinjiang
Here's an account from a Pakistani journalist who has been all over Xinjiang (which borders Pakistan) claims that western media reports on "atrocities" are lies.
It's also worth noting that the accusations originate entirely from the west while Muslim majority countries support China, and their leaders have visited Xinjiang many times.
Also notable that whenever western media actually deigns to visit Xinjiang, which is not often, they're unable to produce support for any of their claims of mass imprisonment and oppression, so they opt for insinuations instead
God damn. I didn’t know the quiet parts had become that out loud. These people suck at their jobs.
“This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.” No censorship here, though! 😂 Luckily still gotchu:
Edit to add: I never heard of Factcheck Lab. They’re based out of Hong Kong. Unfortunately I can’t read a lick of Chinese.
I find the fact that these people don't even bother hiding what their actual goals are is the most phenomenal part. People just keep pretending how it's all about human rights or some bullshit, but here he is just straight up explaining exactly what's going on. The video getting taken down is pretty funny though. There goes my freeze peach!
You mean that thing that didn’t happen?
Close, but that metaphor was not equating either country with a serial killer, I was merely pointing out that one party's use of bombs does not necessarily make them worse than another party who does not use bombs. Sorry you're bad at reading
And also, it's not the infrastructure or clean energy that gets people to not like china, it's all the censorship and oppression
You were very clearly making a false equivalence there, trying to say that China is just differently bad from the US. All the oppression exists in the minds of western liberals who guzzle propaganda uncritically. Meanwhile, censorship exists everywhere, it's absolutely hilarious that westerners think that they got the level of censorship right while everyone else got it wrong. It's a perfect example of people suffering from anchoring bias thinking the rules of a society they grew up in is the natural default.
Posting racist images online is not a meaningful expression of freedom, as anybody with a functioning brain would understand. Here's what actual tangible freedom looks.
The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period.
From 1978 to 2000, the number of people in China living on under $1/day fell by 300 million, reversing a global trend of rising poverty that had lasted half a century (i.e. if China were excluded, the world’s total poverty population would have risen)
From 2010 to 2019 (the most recent period for which uninterrupted data is available), the income of the poorest 20% in China increased even as a share of total income.
By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014.
Winnie the Pooh is not banned in China, despite Western propaganda to the contrary.
No government is perfect, but Chinese people like their government a lot more than Americans like theirs for good reason: their material conditions have been steadily improving over the last several decades while ours have been steadily deteriorating under grinding neoliberalism.
funny 'cause when i was in china there was winnie the pooh merch in like every fuckin' store
you're full of shit and you just parrot clickbait youtube talking points instead of doing any actual research, but you're named after some libertarian right shit so i guess that tracks