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Cocktails, the libationary art!
A place for conversation about cocktails, ingredients, home mixology, the bar industry or liquor industry, glassware - this is not an exhaustive list. If you think it's in some way related to cocktails it's probably fine.
If you post something you didn't create give credit whenever possible.
Pictures and recipes are encouraged when posting a drink as a standalone post. Example of an ideal drink post:
We love garnishes.
Remember the code of conduct, keep it nice. In terms of cocktails- specific etiquette that might be different from other communities:
Mentioning your blog, insta, website, book or bar is allowed, yes. For now at least, we do allow self-promotion. If it gets out of hand this might change.
A good post with a drink you don't like is still a good post! Try not to conflate the drink and the post or poster. If someone has a relevant title, gorgeous photo and clearly formatted recipe of what you consider a truly terrible drink, a comment is more appropriate than a downvote.
On that topic: Polite critique/reviews of drinks (or posts, images, etc.) is allowed here. Encouraged , even. It's a good tool for improving your drinks and content. Really, just be nice.
I do make fancy cocktails for Thanksgiving but Christmas is more wine or bourbon here.
Strongly agree with coquito, yum. Cranberry stuff seems Christmasy, my mom used to make (besides the wassail) a sparkling cranberry vodka punch. It's funny I never really thought of her as a cook, or much of a drinker but she did make punch or sangria for holidays.
Tepache is also a nice Christmas drink, pineapple cinnamon.
Whiskey and amaretto, strong but that seems a nice holiday flavor, a Godfather or similar might be a good one to pop in the freezer.
Does the pineapple in tepache get cooked? Or is there a way to cook it? I’m allergic to raw pineapple, but the allergy is manageable if it’s cooked.
No, the recipe is in the non-alcoholic pinned thread (it's about as alcoholic as kombucha) but it's fermented and sort of pineapple-adjacent, there's no actual fruit in the finished product, I don't know if that would also inactivate what bothers you.
Oh my gosh that reminds me - the Golden Crown by Katherine Bouchel is soooo good too, that uses roasted pineapple syrup, whiskey, mezcal, and chartreuse. Probably too fancy for a batch cocktail but the syrup would be a good way to use the pineapple if you do make tepache and can't eat the fruit raw; tepache just uses the peels.