Safety PSA, please spread.
The Lemmy place to discuss the news and experiences of transgender people.
Keep discussions civil.
Arguments against transgender rights will be removed.
No bigotry is allowed - including transphobia, homophobia, speciesism, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, castism, or xenophobia.
Mainstream social media track and identify in non-obvious ways such as browser fingerprinting. If you're on a federated open source social media site then there's none of that. If you use a VPN (and if you can't afford one, Proton offer a free tier) or Tor browser to mask your IP and you're using a non personally identifiable email address that goes a long way towards protecting yourself.
Beyond that, never posting identifying info about yourself such as the place you live, including the State, will protect you even further.
But I do agree that using an E2EE service is the best way to communicate.