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I own a cast iron pan, but I only bake 15% of the meals I cook in said pan.
I am such a huge disgrace for not needing to utilize my tools every time I cook.
Gonna go microwave something in my cast iron so I can be cool like everyone here.
Theres A difference between a pan lying around in your lockers and a 3t vehicle driving around on public streets and putting people who walk at risk to be run over, because you don't see shit.
Your usage rate is like literally a hundred times that of the stats listed (assuming they're true). The vast, vast majority of truck owners would be better off with a regular car and renting a truck from Home Depot, Uhaul, or whatever local business does that sort of thing.
Your cast iron pan isn't driving you to use a shitload of extra fuel (electricity or natural gas) in this case, while it hangs on your wall waiting to be used.
But having a giant truck instead of a low-pollution economy car does exactly that. Imagine if you had to lug your cast iron pan on your back everywhere you went. (Say if we were still migratory, as a society.) Then you'd be rethinking your cast-iron pan choices, if lighter options were available.
Emotional support trucks are much like emotional support guns. The only thing they're supporting (other than facilitating rampage killers and suicides) are emotions.
TBF, because I think about this sort of thing, yes, here in the states, our boys are trained that they have to keep up manly appearances, we worship sports figures and deride intellectual prowess as super-villainy material, and these are issues for which ES Trucks and Guns (and rampage killings) are a symptom.
But do you only use your cast iron pan once a year or less?
I'd say about 35% of the time actually.