For me that was basically all the not science, math, PE, or art classes.
All trying harder in those classes did was make me feel shittier when I failed.
Managed to graduate on time though through a Herculean effort of basically doing 3 years of high school during my senior year after my guidance counselor figured out that I could do online classes to make up credits during the school year.
I flew through that shit like a rocketship through the stratosphere all because he said that he wanted to see how far I could get in one year because he "got the clearance" to give me as much as I could take and that he believed in me.
It felt good to have someone believe in me for once.
For me that was basically all the not science, math, PE, or art classes.
All trying harder in those classes did was make me feel shittier when I failed.
Managed to graduate on time though through a Herculean effort of basically doing 3 years of high school during my senior year after my guidance counselor figured out that I could do online classes to make up credits during the school year.
I flew through that shit like a rocketship through the stratosphere all because he said that he wanted to see how far I could get in one year because he "got the clearance" to give me as much as I could take and that he believed in me.
It felt good to have someone believe in me for once.