Married people, where do you land?
!relationshipmemes@lemmyis.fun is the place for relationship memes. Whether you're loved up or single, showing off or sulking, all your relationship memes are welcome here where it's actually all quite wholesome. We actually think the more sickly-romantic the better here 😂 Have fun all!
A meme as defined by this community is an image that is designed to make a point or be relatable.
For more adult themed memes: !nsfwmemes@lemmynsfw.com
Hey I’m the good cook husband with a car problem too.
My wife never wanted to help cook though, she loves that I take it on by myself most times.
And I get the kitchen mostly to myself (though I’m sharing it with my son more now, which is slower, but pretty fun).
I taught my 4yo daughter to answer "Yes Chef!" When helping me in the kitchen. Its pretty adorable.
My 6 yo did “yes boss” for a while. But that’s less common lately. He still does it when we’re working in the garage sometimes though and it’s the best.