Technically Correct
A place for majestic STEMLORD peacocking, as well as memes about the realities of working in a lab.
This is a science community. We use the Dawkins definition of meme.
The TSA is something that shouldn't exist in its current form. They very often fail their audit checks and normalize invading your privacy to an extreme degree like body scanners and pat downs. If water bottles are considered potentially explosive then why dump them on a bin next to a line of people where they can go off? This is low grade security theater that inconveniences passengers at best.
The main reason why it exists is to provide jobs. The number of people who work at the TSA at every airport in every state...no representative wants to cut those jobs.
I fucking hate that this is a thing. "We can't stop doing this useless and/or detrimental thing, look at all the work it makes for other people to do!!!" Absolutely bonkers that it's just a standard political argument.
Agreed. I’d rather they be paid that wage NOT to bother me.
so, we pay more (fastpass or whatever it is) for the privilege. 😅
Same thing with medical insurance. It shouldn't exist but it pays a lot of people's salaries.
The worst part is if people only worked two or three days a week corporations would still be profitable and everyone would have a job.
i once heared something like this:
"the idea of having more than those who have nothing is the very only reason shareholders can ever imagine someone would work for at all, thus they also falsely believe they would do something good when enforcing this by removing everything from those who already are vulnerable and thus create a living example of how you would end when you don't help them rob even more."
It shouldn't exist? I'd like to see you pay for your medical expenses out of pocket.
P. S. No, I am not American.
Here in the states when we say "medical insurance shouldn't exist" what we mean is "the medical insurance industry shouldn't exist"
Basically the cluster fuck of insurance companies we have now shouldn't exist, we should just have a single payer type system where medical expenses are paid for through our tax dollars. In its current state it's a nightmare to deal with.
A lot of private insurance in the US amounts to paying a couple hundred monthly to have the insurance and then they deny payment for basically anything and everything. So you pay them to pay out of pocket anyway.
Just got state insurance which covers everything, but very few offices accept it.
So yeah. Insurance in the US is super fucked up and people go without healthcare, even if they have insurance because they simply can't afford it.
Yeah I guess the kind of Single Payer model I prefer can be conceptualised as "insurance." But it feels more like health care is taxpayer funded. The similarity to insurance is just details for the detail nerds.
We could always use more traffic enforcement. Just switch them all over.
“The government made 25% of my district unemployed, why didn’t I get reelected?”
Ask it from that side and you have your answer.
I wasn't asking a question. I understand why politicians do it, I just think it's a sign of a terrible system.