Trans people, typically face a lot of social isolation, from family, so called friends, and colleagues. This can lead to isolation.
They also receive a lot of discrimination, through harassment, hat speech, even physically abuse.
In legal scenarios, trans people have to flip a coin and to hope that a government would protect their right to exist. In Russia for example, unlike in the u.s, is there really even much chance of voting off certain anti LGBTQ+ laws of the citizens?
My stance
I believe that trans gender people should have equal opportunities that everyone else has. No exceptions to that period. (in terms of, saying that trans gendered people should nott be missing out any essential rights that everyone else currently has and may get in the future.) Honestly, the only people that find trans people in public bathrooms offensive, are either transphobic,alt right, show/act Nazi/fascist like traits and possibly more. But mostly transphobic.
If a person was trans, and they weren't having a good day, I would offer them to go out and eat, or something nice, at least try to to spark a nice and supporting conversation for who they are, they likely have had enough transphobia in society and law, every supportive action means something to them.
Your stance
Comments section, what are your views on transgenders, and their rights. I want to hear from anyone, even if you are trans yourself. Every voice that comments, that is meaningful with good intentions and supportive of trans rights matters.
disclaimer: If a user that comments is anti trans, or displays transphobia I am not interested in the transphobia. So if anyone comments something that spreads transphobia, know that I (op) do not support that. Didn't ask for anything but for the supporting voices of trans rights, and support for trans gender people.
No transphobia is expected or desired. I'm not in it for the doom scrolling, or the amount of up votes. (But please do upvote if you do find this post supportive, usefully and/or helpful.)