[-] zeroday 4 points 1 month ago

Makes sense, and thank you for the clarification!

[-] zeroday 4 points 1 month ago

Okay, I just finished up reading Anti-Duhring after a few months and that's kind of a misrepresentation. Things had to be centralized in order to wield effective power against the bourgeoisie. The whole "The Bolsheviks betrayed the revolution" thing is also a bit off, since IIRC the biggest difference between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks was that the Bolsheviks believed that collaboration with the economic ruling class was futile and worked against winning the class war.

Y'all... without some sort of "authoritarian" element, how can the working class enforce its will upon the ruling class? I want the working class to be in charge and for the means of production (factories and shit like that) to be owned by the workers who use those machines for the benefit of themselves and the rest of the working class. We aren't gonna get those factories, land, etc without being "authoritarian" and dictating terms to our oppressors. And since we can't peacefully force these oligarchs to give up their assets we'll have to use force, and force means that we really need tanks and people who are more militaristically minded.

Maybe instead of shitting on "tankies" maybe understand that they're working towards the same goal of the empowerment of the working class, and try to ally with them? You might not agree with their ideology but if we can work together towards a better future for the working class, then why shit on them?

Idk. Maybe this is too nuanced for a community that seems to be focused on dunking on "tankies" (I'm still not really sure what that exactly means, I'd appreciate comments with people's personal definition of what they consider a "tankie"), but I genuinely think we'd be better off trying to reconcile and work together.

[-] zeroday 3 points 2 months ago

This report completely missed why many Marxists refer to China as the CPC vs the colloquial CCP. They say CPC because the "Communist Party" part of it comes before the nation, as a symbolic way to reject nationalism in favor of internationalism.

I think the author of this paper would have benefited from talking to the hardline leftists and asking them their thoughts rather than trying to analyze them from the outside. Most of the time, if you ask someone in good faith why they believe what they believe, they'll honestly answer out of a desire to be understood.

[-] zeroday 3 points 2 months ago

Even if it was fake, this manifesto makes a good point. We, as a people, would have far less miserable lives if every CEO in the Fortune 500 and billionaire dropped dead tomorrow. Just saying, we'd be way better off with them dead, and we all know it. Left, right, doesn't matter. If you know the pain of being exploited by these rich fucks then we've got an enemy in common.

When someone else kills a CEO we need to do everything we can to hide them, aid them, and celebrate them as our heroes in this war.

[-] zeroday 4 points 2 months ago

Oh lol, that's weird, I thought it was common knowledge that China censors some types of speech, similarly to every other nation. If I was running a state, I'd want to censor transphobic slurs, arguments for gender inequality, pro-Capitalist propaganda, racism, etc. IMO there's nothing inherently morally wrong about censorship, and I see a lot of think pieces from US / NATO outlets like Voice of America yelling that China is bad because it censors speech, without giving any context or nuance about what type of speech is being censored and also distracting from the US's massive censorship.

On the oppression point - I guess it mostly matters who's getting oppressed. If it's regular working people being oppressed, fuck that, but if we implemented policies as a society that forced billionaires to give up their wealth I'm sure they'd cry about being "oppressed". I don't have any sympathy for the cries of CEOs and mega-landlords about how they're being oppressed by being forced to give back their stolen wealth.

[-] zeroday 3 points 3 months ago

Capitalists can choose to give up their property and become workers like the rest of us, or they can get the wall and then their property is redistributed. The capitalist class has colonized our society, and their enforcers are the police. And according to Franz Fanon's books on anticolonial struggle in Algeria, colonial relations never go away unless fought with anticolonial violence to oppose the violence of the colonizers. Ultimately, violence is what is needed to force those in power to give up their wealth, and if they gave up their wealth willingly then violence would not be necessary.

[-] zeroday 3 points 4 months ago

Check out Communications Workers of America - they've been pushing into the tech world

[-] zeroday 3 points 4 months ago

I've seen that reinforcement of workers who toe the line first-hand, people are scared and brainwashed into not acting up or demanding better. It's why I have a hard time maintaining a job - not because I'm not good at what I do, but because I'm bad at pretending to buy into the capitalist ideology in the workplace.

Agreed, not all managers are bastards but the system they are working within creates horrible results.

[-] zeroday 4 points 6 months ago

Yeah, someone who lives in an empty home. And nope, I don't think you're for these spikes, I meant "yes, removing these would be good, and we should also address the underlying causes of homelessness". My apologies, I've just been dealing with city meetings where officials are trying to do anything but address the core causes, and I've been frustrated with that and it spilled over.

[-] zeroday 3 points 7 months ago

Yup! In a lot of ways having ASPD is analogous to not having guardrails or safety interlocks on your brain. It won't warn you via automatic empathy if you're about to do something messed up, so you have to check your actions and analyze yourself much more. Interestingly, most people with ASPD who are relatively "successful" (not in prison, etc) heavily use our prefrontal cortexes much more as a compensatory mechanism similar to how blind people can get really good at hearing.

[-] zeroday 3 points 9 months ago

Let's arm the Palestinians instead. Or, we could send intentionally defective weapons to Israel. Israel's genocide has to stop

[-] zeroday 4 points 1 year ago

You could also make this a joke about being trans, but not realizing it yet. In the trans community we refer to people who're trans but haven't realized it as "eggs" because they haven't hatched yet. Anyway, there are the seeds of a good joke there!

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