to be fair, some people deserve to be called assholes
me semble que c'était LQDN aussi qui avait écrit sur les facteurs considérés "suspects" par la caf ou l'assmal - c'était principalement des faibles revenus et le handicap.
et ça me paraît vraiment bidon comme facteurs - je pense que, si y'a des gens qui devraient être considérés suspect, c'est ceux qui reçoivent des aides sans être handi/ALD/faible revenu/précarité/… genre, c'est normal que des gens handicapés aient beaucoup d'aides, c'est moins normal que des gens aisés et sans handicap en aient, et je peux mieux comprendre que ces catégories là soient enquêtés de plus près
the avreage person also isn't as convincing as a bot we're told is the peak of computer intelligence
i was talking about intents! this is a specific API for one app to start & send specific data to another app on the system
They can probably even ease that out if they implement some API in K9 to let another app request data from it - Android has a system for letting apps send data to each other securely
sony isn't a person
well, i'd say more systems use unicode nowadays, especially if you only count user-facing software...
though, yeah, because univode is a superset of ascii, ascii's still technically very much in use and very popular!
no, it was available as an option in OBS already...
huh... couldn't you already get those through gstreamer or vaapi?
using squeekboard from gnome's phosh project!
wow is me, i am le surprised