> You can’t avoid IBM/RedHat
Let's just leave it at that, we can't avoid code published by them, it is everywhere. Both of those are subject and clear collaborators with agencies of the state that protects their existence.
It is 100s of times better than MS, ok, yes, it is. Still, "we" have a long way to go, away from "them".
I'd be the last person on earth to defend debian or systemd-boot that has turned linux into a garage project, but could it be that you are booting the image in legacy/bios mode and attempt an EFI installation? This is hackish to do since /sys/.../efi.. doesn't exist.
If you insure you are booting in efi mode then it should work out. If not chroot into the installation and follow the procedure of installing the bootloader manually.
@potentiallynotfelix @winety