Unused concept art from an uncreated Battlefront 3, lots of dark side versions in those. We lost out on a great game there.
When you're ugly, there is something you can do, called "fuck the world and be real cool.”
Frankly, that’s looking like paradise to most of us at this point. The kvetching of Gen X staring at an IKEA catalogue has become a dystopian dream for Millennials on up.
Show me a world where my kid has to worry about a Stormtrooper and not a school shooter. I’ll take it.
This is a little higher price but only because the quality is likely on the cheaper end. Cheap is around $15 USD. Average and decently made is about $35. Nice is ~$50-65.
joined 1 year ago
I always thought a civil war in America was inevitable, I guess I was just being USA centric in my definition of ‘America’ and loose with ‘civil’