[-] wampus@lemmy.ca 5 points 6 hours ago

Reddit's seeing membership outflows resulting from their more draconian policies. Reddit boss restarts a competitor platform so that he can try and recapture users by owning his own competition, while trying to pretend like there's no conflict.

idk. Seems pretty suspect to me. Lemmy seems 'ok' for news aggregation, and it has a more community / local vibe to it. For example, I can have more confidence that the feeds I see on Lemmy.ca are more controlled / accountable to Canadians, rather than the heavily Americanized subs that exist in Reddit. And I can pick and choose which other subs to see, with better understanding of the likely biases that I'll encounter. This sort of end user transparency is really refreshing, especially given the burbling propaganda war being waged by the Americans at present against Canada.

[-] wampus@lemmy.ca 1 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

I'm historically a green voter -- but honestly, I get "the defectors" point on this one, and am a bit surprised that there's so much drama over it.

Like the news stories about her saying there were no child bodies at one site -- people comment how what she's saying is disrespectful to survivors of the residential system, but they aren't saying she's factually incorrect. The articles highlight that even the first nation "revised" their wording over the years from "remains of 215 children", to "potential burial sites", to eventually just "anomalies".

So she's correct in her statement on that front, no?

This sort of situation alienates moderates. The extreme backlash against anyone who asks questions in this area makes it impossible for moderates to engage with it without being labelled in some way. When moderates are unable to even ask questions/discuss the topic openly, well, they tend to become less moderate. So her going from questioning / highlighting objective truths, to experiencing a huge backlash, to doing a stupid mocking voice on a podcast, isn't really that surprising a trajectory. The federal government making it a "hate crime" to question this stuff, is just amazing to me -- and it'd be a huge point against the Liberals staying in power, if the alternatives weren't so gross.

[-] wampus@lemmy.ca 3 points 19 hours ago

I don't condone wanton violence either, of course.... but at the same time I recognise someone like Hamlet as a tragic hero. His most famous soliloquy, the "To be or not to be" one, is largely about whether you should stand up to tyranny, even though it may cost you dearly to oppose tyrants, or whether you should try and keep your head down and try to profit personally as a coward.

Yes, it's better to achieve those goals through non violent means, but you need to draw a moral line. Luigi drew his.

[-] wampus@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah, Google's monopoly is a problem. Wonder if there'd be any real appetite for a (potentially govt supported) index for Canadian businesses, which could link through to those businesses public websites (if they have them)

and/or just serve as a host for a basic business brochure / info set.

I mean, businesses need to register within jurisdictions in order to operate -- why not have those jurisdictions have a semi federated setup of sites to host indexes for consumers / b2b. Publicize it to the general public, and ensure that businesses let their own employees know about it (so that local workers, know there are local options to look up shops / businesses). You could connect the jurisdictional sites via federation to make it a "one stop site" for Canadians to go to for local business references/info, even as they move around to different areas.

If this lemmy site is legit in its costs being like $1.10/user/year, I imagine our govt could do similar for similarly low costs -- and offset it by having some modest local advertising options on the sites. You'd basically setup a class of 'business' users that'd have a bit more of a portal, and a landing page associated with their brand, where they could post basic information up / connect with potential customers. Have the business registration process in different municipalities / jurisdictions be involved in administration of those business accounts. Regular consumers could either be left as read only, or could potentially have accounts setup for more engagement -- perhaps with some method of checking the person's general geo location to root out some malicious sorts / potential foreign influences.

I don't think we have anything like this, but.... I'd love to see it pushed by some politicians, personally.


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