[-] vfsh 2 points 5 hours ago

Can I be things?

[-] vfsh 9 points 1 day ago

Where do I sign up? Getting shot doesn't sound half bad lately

[-] vfsh 2 points 1 day ago

Thanks I missed that!

[-] vfsh 4 points 1 day ago

Gitmo has already started being used as a concentration camp. The question is how long until we need more camps, then the camps don't have enough room, and we need to start making room using 'alternative methods'

[-] vfsh 21 points 1 day ago

But but but it's not from CNN or FOX or MSN or some other centralized editorialized platform that can force their own spin on it so therefore it isn't news!


[-] vfsh 8 points 1 day ago

If you don't think the modern Linux distro are shiny and easy to use, how long has it been since you tried? There are plenty of feature complete distros that are shiny and modern and comfortable to start using as a lifelong windows user

[-] vfsh 3 points 1 day ago

Ventoy is so goated, I used Rufus then Balena for ages, then YUMI, and finally Ventoy. I've got a 128gb tiny USB attached to my phone case with every OS and utility I could need with over 80gb still free for file storage. Being able to download an iso and copy it with no software is huge, like in an emergency I could download an ISO on my phone if needed

[-] vfsh 4 points 3 days ago

Accurate, and the voters are Charlie

[-] vfsh 2 points 3 days ago

Ahahaha I'm the exact opposite, used to wipe sitting down back to front like you and switched to standing up front to back because it was easier

[-] vfsh 18 points 3 days ago

More accurate if the DNC was Lucy and Bernie was Charlie in this scenario. Bernie isn't out there pulling the rug out from under us, he's standing with us on the rug while the DNC pulls it out from under all of us.

[-] vfsh 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

3.141592653589793238? Nah
6.283185307179586476? Nah
9.869604401089358618? Yeah

Edit (x5) edits are hard

[-] vfsh 88 points 6 days ago

It's being suppressed, I can't find the graph I saw yesterday but cumulative daily protests this year have far outclassed the protests from 2017, yet there's very little coverage of it from the major outlets.

submitted 1 month ago by vfsh to c/onehundredninetysix
ice cream rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 months ago by vfsh to c/onehundredninetysix
Edirule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 months ago by vfsh to c/19684
Hot Rule Balloons (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 months ago by vfsh to c/19684
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