But why not about mastodon? We are on the Fediverse here! And you really have posted a lot of articles that are basically just advertisements for bluesky.
Also wenn wir für so etwas eine Initiative brauchen dann können wir den TÜV und die ganzen anderen Kontrollorgane eigentlich auch schon einpacken, anscheinend sind die nur zur Deko da!
also, see CargoLifter for a similar project around the year 2000 which raised crazy amounts of money and then failed completely because of fundamental problems.
I suppose. But I think, minetest as a project was strengthend by its proximity to minecraft. The big reason you pick up luanti is that its like minecraft, but free and with more modding freedom. I dont think this is bad thing to be reflected in a name. But good luck to them, maybe they can pull the name change off without hurting their public recognition too much.
Wenn sie ihm Wahlfälschung nachweisen. Was A: dauern könnte und B: wenn nicht er persönlich die Wahlfälschung begangen hat sondern Mitglieder seiner Partei die Autonom gehandelt haben, hat er dann Wahlfälschung betrieben, nur weil er profitiert hat? Ich glaube nicht, und dann würde er seinen erschummelten Posten behalten.
Never tried it on desktop, only mobile, but Organic Maps is really good and has a desktop version
I think they are great. Yes, they are a little expensive, but I am really happy with mine, and I've heard only good things about the Stellaris from a friend who owns one.
na, the whole shakeup was because microsoft wanted to be majority shareowner and the board was against it.
5 minutes before I go on a 3 week long vacation to a remote island obviously!
hamter ❤️
As far as I know, they are fighting the kurds too, sadly.