The director is not Denis Villeneuve, its someone who has never directed a movie before :(
Also ich find dass das zum Charme beiträgt :)
Newpipe is a great and active FOSS Youtube client!
Sovietische Preisfestlegung, jetzt Neu! Mit Sklavenarbeit und Profitmotiv!
sounds great! I hope this gets some traction, because the official wayland protocols are so dead slow that its not even funny anymore. for example the wayland hdr protocol, open for 4 years now:
ok, just a few points from me, typed very quickly because im in a hurry so forgive me if its not very coherent:
the gpl is very popular, its the apgl that has less popularity. The gpl is used by thousands of software projects, and the linux kernel is one of the few projects that did not upgrade to v3, many did, but still, they use the gpl! Thats not an argument against it! Using gplv2 is still fine!
if the linux kernel was more permissive we would absolutely not have better drivers. The linux kernel supports a crazy amount of hardware, a lot more than any other OS! How can you say that support is poor? Bad Drivers are mostly nvidia, broadcom, and chinese vendors that ignore the gpl, and yes, these drivers are bad because they dont want to open source anything(or, my guess, its because of low market share). But imagine that the kernel was MIT. Suddenly, wow, nvidia and broadcom might release more drivers, amazing my laptop wifi card works now! Exept 5 years later the driver breaks in creative ways and broadcom isnt interested in fixing it because its out of support. Proprietary drivers arent the solution to bad drivers, they are bad drivers by their design. its the reson why nvidia drivers are hated, because they are mostly closed binaries so nobody can fix them, and they develop them their way so wayland etc is still buggy. If it was MIT nothing would change in this situation, exept they have more legal possibilities of making badly integrated drivers.
you gave andoid as an example, but that uses the linux kernel? The "good" driver support is kernel modules for the andoid kernel, aka gpl compatible? And support for ARM is good, yes, that is by the way also true for regular linux. And when it is not, its because they didnt mainline their drivers, which is a lot of work and doesnt benefit them apart from goodwill, not because of licensing. What is your argument here?
Do you think that android would have been open source if the gpl didnt force them to?
a permissive license doesnt mean it immediately gets abused. But it does mean that abuse is possible, and it does happen. I dont want to live in a world where the best linux is microsoft© linux™ which has ads and their own packages, which are for some reason, incompatible with free linuxes because of extra features in microlinux©®™
Im very interested in an officially supported linux phone, however the fitmware seems not to be upstream(yet?). I hope it will be upstreamed, or else were back to square one with linux mobile hardware support if they stop working on it!
Was für ein sinnfreies Projekt, echter Investorbait...
soooo... you want KNOME?
serious answer: Just like you said, behind these projects are different visions and different goals so it would make no sense to sqash both together. Whats a sensible default to someone is horrible to another.
And open source has no such limit, take the linux kernel for example: a giant project of crazy scope which is free software and works better than commercial kernels. What free software lacks are in my opinion UI/UX designers, which is why many non commercially made free software have wierd user interfaces.
hmm, I imagine the then 2 prevalent systems of neoliberal capitalism and soviet-style "communism" to be a pretty terrible combination actually. Although I believe I get what he was trying to say about individual rights within an economy of the commons(or at least thats how I interpret it).
Oi, you got a loicence to pay that ransom fee?