Machen sie ja nichtmal wenn ein CDUler umgebracht wurde
Ist doch schön, dass auch dieser liebe Papst uns mal wieder daran erinnert welchem verkackten Verein er doch vorsteht.
I think you are on the right track with your ideals of the world, but I also guess you kinda know that this is not how states operate. Of course there are different types of states, but if you think of democracies, they are also not service providers to their citizens. On the contrary. Democratic states are the abstraction of all the private interests of their citizens. This is what they protect and advance. What arises out of that is that occasionally these interests will suggest a war is what the nation desires.
Die Schuldenbremse ist eine Nazibeschleunigungsmaschine
Ah! Secret EU plan against Orban! Well FT, if you don‘t produce more of this document, and any kind of proof that this is more than a research paper, I call BS. There is so little in this article supporting the monstrous claim that the EU is secretly planning to devalue Hungary‘s currency, that I get the feeling that this is the expression of an anti EU agenda by the FT itself. There you go, that‘s my monstrous assumption.
I‘m cautiously optimistic!
so if I go to Britain, rob a home, take the loot out of the country and sell it there, it‘s all good?
ja? er selber? vielleicht, kann sein. Aber spätestens beim Wechsel von Jusos zu SPD muss man diesen Makel eh abgeben.
Vielleicht müssen wir aber auch mal über dieses „das überrascht mich aber nicht“ Gefühl hinauskommen.
Ja Friedrich, wir verstehen wen du als Koalitionspartner im Visier hast.
and you think this is how the rights your lazy ass inherited were won?
Thanks for this piece of blatant propaganda. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) almost sounds like CEPS, the Centre for European Policy Studies, which is a European think tank comprised of former European politicians. But it isn‘t European at all. On the board are American industrialists, including policy advisers from Meta and other industries. Keep in mind that Germany is after the US the biggest supplier of weapons to Ukraine. If the Americans want to wipe their hands off of Ukraine, don‘t accuse us of being complacent.