reddit mods' authoritative feel is something you can't dare to snatch lol, those neckbeards would run (for the first time ever in their life) to give you the ban hammer /s
oh wow! didn't know. thanks a lot!
that's not the issue here, i'm talking about the technical bug, I do understand that i am not yet qualified for image uploads.
thanks! will check that out. hats off to you for your hard work and effort for lemmy.
welp, TL;DR from comments says its fear mongering at best, physical access required right?
i find new reasons to hate on this man, sadly he was an idol when i was growing up kanye west'd himself real quick. ah they two are friends right! makes sense.
as a cs major, you kicked me in the stomach with this one
hi! is there any "default" community or a place where every new user is automatically registered in? or a place where we can see some kind of graph for lemmy users signing up on a daily basis? would be nice for ! datahoarding too haha.
yeah im the living example, got approved yesterday, and I love the fact that lemmy is self hosted and decentralized, scratches the self-hosted itch of my brain.