[-] thefatone@startrek.website 1 points 2 years ago

He endorsed Bernie Sanders in the election, unless i'm confused.

[-] thefatone@startrek.website 3 points 2 years ago

This is kind of where I'm coming from. I'm not a regular listener of his so my views may be outdated. I just think a lot of malice is dumped on him that I don't think is necessarily fair. That being said, he is a public figure so being dumb only gets you so far as an excuse.

I also like long form stuff, and I like to talk to people who know things, so at least in an ideal sense I'm positive on his format. B

😂 for the timeshare conference

[-] thefatone@startrek.website 3 points 2 years ago

Thanks for your response. Are you suggesting that indecisive movement on the part of the media is what causes antivax sentiments to rise? I mean one of the biggest slurs they throw is that you're antivax. I can't remember a time when antivaxing was talked about on the media as a reasonable standpoint. Yet the prevalence of antivax sentiments is increasing. Couldn't it also be attributable to institutional decline?

Did the CDC behave in a consistent and transparent way during covid? Or did they issue contradictory recommendations, and disinformation regarding lab leak. My point only is, if our institutions weren't failing us on the reg, maybe we'd find it easier to take their word for things.

[-] thefatone@startrek.website 1 points 2 years ago

I'd have to look at those claims to know if that's actually true. It may be, but media/internet hyperbole is so overplayed I'd wager it isn't actually true. Like I said though. I don't know about that specific instance.

The thing is, if the FBI hadn't framed so many Muslims in the US, during the war on terror or fascilitated the Whitmer kidnapping, maybe claims like that wouldn't gain traction as easily.

[-] thefatone@startrek.website 1 points 2 years ago

Really great stuff OP. I love stuff that's repetitive, but builds in intensity as it goes. Really great. Thanks for sharing

[-] thefatone@startrek.website 0 points 2 years ago

Wait, is Jimmy Dore not a Lefty? I'm not up on my youtube politics scene beyond breaking points. What's the deal with Jimmy Dore?

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