Spin it in the air and take bites as it goes by.
Thank you for this
Why? My last one came with a metal rack.
If metal rack can go in science oven, metal must not be a big issue.
Lol, you really think it stopped being Trump's America even when he was out of office? There was only like 2, maybe 3 months where there might have been some kind of push back against him from the republican media and establishment.
Porn ID laws fit in perfectly in Trump's America.
I just use FileFlows to automatically optimize all of my video files. I've got my streamer app to only pick up the converted videos, so I just have to wait on automatic processes before stuff is available for me.
Not sure if you misinterpreted me here friend, but I was agreeing with you.
This has nothing to do with being a mod and everything to do with rational thinking.
Yeah, but seeing them together is what I'm happy about.
Accepting the responsibility of facing reality has nothing to do with letting fascism take control.
I'd disagree, just because the people who refused to see the reality of the situation allowed naked fascism their time behind the wheel again. Plenty of people refuse to see reality how it is and choose to ignore it, sure that 'things will just work out' because that's how it is in media.
In fact, if you were paying attention, I voted. Along with all the others that knew what would happen if we didn’t. So in that- WE tried to stop this- did you?
You're preaching to the choir, she definitely wasn't my first choice, but she was the only sane choice available all things considered.
My gripe is not with you, but with people who complain about the politician not being 'exciting' enough and using that as an excuse for why they've opened the door to removing the rights of myself and my loved ones. The people who feel that perfect isn't the enemy of good, and that compromise and letting the democrats back in power was absolutely unthinkable (or, as some people told me, they deserved to lose to 'learn a lesson').
The best I’ve gotten is “that’s not a what a microwave is for”.
Yeah, microwaves aren't for making water hot, they're for making food hot AND DON'T TRY TO EXPLAIN HOW THEY WORK MAGIC MAN!
Depends, if the pills stay whole (or in large enough chunks) they don't need shot to help them penetrate.
You just gotta be extra close if you want them to go see ~~Mr Toppum Hat~~ an old friend.
Based mod response. I get so sick of purity politics and using that as an excuse to justify letting fascism take control, but people gotta justify their choices somehow....
"Yes it is for a lot of people"
Yes, changing your question will yield a different answer.
Lol, if you think this was changing the question, no wonder people get "upset" at you for your obsession with "accuracy".
I was lucky enough to go there when they still allowed people to go up the temple at Chichen Itza, and it was pretty cool, but I couldn't image just climbing shit they tell you not to. Especially when the reasoning is protecting heritage.
Honestly, he's lucky he didn't trip on the way down. Those stairs are steep.