Sounds like a potential application for a blockchain techs, that allows to do verifications, voting and consensus.
I heard that in USA Telegram is used mostly by conservatives, trans-haters and drug dealers. But in Russia where I was born and where I have been living until the war, Telegram was a single source of alternative news and the main tool for opposition to putin. I had a talk with an Iranian guy recently and he told me the same: in Iran Telegram is the only source of non-state-propaganda news.
I do not care that Durov is just a billionaire who makes money on the trend of privacy. But I remember how Telegram successfully fought against attempt of blocking in Russia in 2018 by providing regular updates and using different techniques to avoid blocking. An attack on Telegram for me is an attack on the latest opposition to putin, khamenei, lukashenko and others.
For me one of the most flexible and mature way to knowledge base, tasks and notes is an org-mode.
I have two main workflows. The first one is task management. I have a lot of recurring tasks with tags, deadlines, schedules, etc. All of them are living in org-files in my Nextcloud. On Android I'm using orgzly-reviwed for sync via WebDAV, on my work I'm using organice (via WebDAV) as a "web-version" and also I'm editing my notes in emacs on my laptop (but actually any text editor could be used).
The second one is a knowledge base. I'm using org-roam locally (and with a localhost web server, built in into emacs) and orgnote for Android/Web + synchronization. My knowledge base is Zettelkasten-based.
Orgnote provide a way to encrypt all notes by your own key/password. With orgzly I'm relying on Nextcloud encryption.
A nice way to understand how much your data costs
Privacy is a spectrum, not dichotomy. It is enough, imo, to reduce the amount of usage of google/amazon services significantly instead of blocking it.
I did not see in the article any arguments, except the fact that Chinese researchers are in some US blacklists. Only proclamations about EU should restrict, EU should prevent, etc. But without any arguments why. Maybe lack of actual arguments is the reason why the article is so short?
While that is true, the missing part is the following. As I understand registration process in zone .ru / .рф is done by a russian legal entity (Coordination Center for TLD RU) and under the jurisdiction of russian courts. As a citizen of Russia I can say that russian courts are far away from the Rule of Law and under the strong pressure of russian government. So, even if the actual website may be hosted anywhere, russian court may make a decision to take back a registration and, theoretically, the row in DNS may be replaced (the link will be the same but may tend to a different, potentially unsafe hosting). That is the risk that I see.
But is there any plans to support GNU Linux distros, like Debian or Nix? From the first look the browser is only for Serenity.
Imo, it is a kind of trade-off between speech of freedom and easy automation/integration and all this spam. I'm ok with it, just a couple of marks in settings (like only my contacts can send me messages). If one wants to have a spam-free space, they can go to Facebook Messages or something like this. I can not imagine how Telegram can fight all this spam without hiring a lot of moderators like Facebook. Even to hire moderators, Telegram needs to change the business model and start selling user data for advertising.
emacs + elfeed
- I'm using emacs for almost everything, so it it is a quite obvious choice
- Links to rss/atom are stored in a plain human readable org-mode file that you can edit manually or use VCS on top
- It works fine from both terminal and gui
- It is a fully OSS solution under The Unlicense
Thank you. I hope too. But now it is not safe to be being in Russia and trying to get better government... So, for myself I just decided to leave the country. I'm not ready to risk my safety and safety of my family trying to protest against Putin. One can say that I'm a coward, but for me it change nothing: I prefer to be a healthy free coward instead of tortured hero in prison. To be honest, my only hope is that he die soon, there are a lot of rumors about his health problem, some cancer.
What do you think, how long should we wait until the overflow in the debts database makes the value negative?