Its on annas and amazon.
Theres a long rich history of German alt med. also (postwar) witch trials, if I can find the book I read on all this I’ll try to post.
Edit: think it was this one
Some of them are even returning to presumably evangelical churches.
In which TPOT unites to yell at scooter because he isn’t down with mental health apartheid schemes.
Whats with the boots?
Yes. Alongside a resurgence in anti-lgbt stuff.
Walt Bismarck was a dude who got big making racist Disney song parodies.
I grabbed a book on the fermi paradox from the university library and it turned out to be full of Bolstrom and Sandberg x-risk stuff. I can’t even enjoy nerd things anymore.
Man I’ve never heard of the pinenote. Does it have anything like send to kindle?