i think this much money does not free people. it makes them master over others. and that power will either corrupt one or burden them with the responsibility of doing the right, which let's be honest, no one manages.
im so happy the comment section here isnt deranged anti-vegan
and the cows only die of old age and untreatable disease...
omv thats eo manu trees... how central is this?
souns good to me :3 btw im only gonna lurk sowwy in advance
go make one, id join ;3
assuming you arent a delussional leftist yourself, unaware of your own delusions...
yeah, in my perception, it was always more of a "(following the) rule". so purely optional. after all, the one rule is not "you must put the word 'rule' in the title of every post" >:3
pan gang sponsoring straight people figuring that genitals arent gender
dog got converted to imperial💀
i think us politics being posted everywhere is what's annoying. do you even notice how they are everywhere? i dont see thousands of memes about australian elections.
if you want to post about your local politics on international platforms, you got to handle ppl telling you they dont know anything about that. you can always go to dedicated us politics spaces, if it bothers you so much.
idk which one i am, i just like puter ;w;