[-] revv 75 points 4 weeks ago

Interesting. The screenshots shared with me by a friend:

Given the corporate media sane-washing and general kissing of the ring, I choose to believe what has been shared with me directly over the "actchually, it was an awkward gesture of exuberance" milquetoast media.

Especially when the list looks like this:

Hastags that have also apparently been blocked from user experiences. Will keep updating. Range is worldwide.




"#voteblue" (#votered remains unaffected)

"#dnc" (#rnc remains unaffected)

"#fucktrump" (#fuckbiden remains unaffected)

"#democrat" (#republican remains unaffected)







"#14thamendment "

"#republicans" (with an s)









That is not a "glitch."

[-] revv 196 points 1 month ago

I think the premise is flawed. Most of us have been brought up in a world that preaches "if you're not growing, you're dying." That mindset is harmful in a whole host of ways. I have no idea if lemmy is growing or not, but it's quite possible, perhaps even preferable, for a service/site/mom-and-pop shop to be sustainable without unending growth.

[-] revv 78 points 1 month ago

Newpipe still works on Android.

[-] revv 96 points 1 month ago

7 websites, Jellyfin for 6 people, Nextcloud, CRM for work, email server for 3 domains, NAS, and probably some stuff I've forgotten on a $4 computer from a tiny thrift store in BFE Kansas. I'd love to upgrade, but I'm always just filled with joy whenever I think of that little guy just chugging along.

[-] revv 44 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Here's the list of devices supported by fprint

For non -standalone readers, you'll have to look up the actual fingerprint reader embedded within it.

Edit: it looks like this is a Bluetooth keyboard. My guess is it's highly unlikely to work with Linux as a fingerprint reader.

[-] revv 36 points 5 months ago

Yes and no. Without endorsing them, the arguments for banning Tik Tok are subtler than Chinese = security risk. The fears, however reasonable you may find them, are largely that it presents a danger of foreign information gathering of detailed behavioral/location/interest/social network information on a huge swath of the U.S. population which can be used either for intelligence purposes or targeted influence/psyops campaigns within the U.S. When you look at the history of how even relatively benign data from sources not controlled by foreign adversaries has been used for intelligence gathering, e.g. Strava runs disclosing the locations of classified military installations, these fears make a certain amount of sense.

Temu, et al., on the other hand are shopping apps that don't really lend themselves to influence campaigns in the same way (though, if they are sucking up data like all the other apps, I wouldn't be surprised if folks in the U.S. security apparatus are concerned about those as well.

Ultimately, I think the argument fails because it assumes an obligation for Congress to solve every tangentially related ill all at once where no such obligation exists.

[-] revv 128 points 6 months ago

It's worse than that. It's arguing that her estate and surviving husband can't sue because he had a trial subscription to Disney+. It's fucking absurd.

[-] revv 75 points 6 months ago

Transphobes: You can't change your gender from what was assigned at birth. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Also transphobes: a person who was assigned female at birth, was born with a vagina, and raised as a woman in a country that is in no way supportive of its queer population... is not a woman.

If only mental gymnastics were an Olympic event.

[-] revv 35 points 7 months ago

Ah yes, tracingwoodgrains.com- everyone's source for hard-hitting, unbiased news coverage. 🙄

This story got shot down for the whiny trash it is two days ago. What made you think people would forget?

[-] revv 78 points 8 months ago

I'm going to say first off that this is kind of depressing. That said, after my initial knee-jerk reaction of "fuck you, Duolingo," it occurs to me that is might be a better outcome than them pulling out of Russia altogether.

Providing Russian citizens easy access to language learning provides them access to non-Russian media and non-Russian discourse on queer issues.

In my own experience, learning a language as an adult has taken place in ~3 stages: 1. learn from instructional material exclusively, 2. consume foreign language material with native-language support/tools, 3. learn more of the language via context. If having an app available to folks in an oppressive country helps them get through stage 1 and into 2/3, it gives them a chance to escape the hateful discourse of the regime... In theory.

On the other hand, maybe it's just capitalists being capitalists.

[-] revv 45 points 1 year ago

Obligatory XKCD for the folks who keep citing the 1st Amendment 🙄:

If you want to be a hatful person online or in person, there's nothing stopping you from starting your own little online utopia- VPSs are pretty cheap, after all. You'll quickly find, however, that you probably attract a large number of assholes and, in all likelihood, either find yourself moderating content or shutting down just like every other "free speech" bastion.

Which is fine. I'm a firm believer in free speech. If bigots want to have a place to talk to one another, that's their prerogative and their right. What they don't have is a right to force others to host or listen to their bullshit, which appears to be what they want.

Content-based moderation is neither new nor pernicious, folks. So long as those doing it don't hold a monopoly on the use of force, you remain free to vote with your feet, wallet, eyeballs, and ears.

[-] revv 39 points 1 year ago

In addition to all of the open source options that have been offered, Davinci Resolve runs well on Linux and has all of the above features (and many, many more). It's also a buy once keep forever situation rather than a subscription since they make their real money on hardware. OSS it isn't, but it's incredibly powerful, has an extensive free (as in beer) edition and beats the hell out of paying a monthly fee.

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