Maybe Pike keeps the ship’s environmental settings a little colder than the others, so nobody wants to free the knees

I dunno about nobody considering the recuring background andorians (give me slim blue men in skimpy minidresses you cowards!/s) clearly 23rd century fabric just breathes really well.

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I see what you're talking about, and don't want to see them play so fast and loose with the notion as to take old noteworthy's and heroships out of mothballs, triple the volume and call it a "refit" for nostalgia bait. But Trek does offer an interesting notion here that we don't really have in real life in that there are core valuable parts of a ship more important and possibly more enduring than its hull. We don't take reactors out of old aircraft carriers and submarines and drop them in new ships as some sort of legacy so the idea that it could arguably be done in star trek is novel.

Obviously the Neo-Connie space frame is a new build due to its size but I don't see how that stops them from reusing the warp core, warp coils, computer core, etc.

Again you're moving the goalposts demanding greater and greater explicits not because you'd be convinced but because you'd expect the explicit doesn't explicitly exists. This is a low stakes conversation about a fictional universe intuition reinforced by references is sufficient, and if in subsequent series writers forget these details or go another way well then that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Though I don't know why you don't find this very intuitive the episode Regeneration featured borg drones from the events of First Contact, sure you may be entitled to your wishful thinking but to claim its never alluded to or incredibly hard to believe that first contact one of the more successful startrek films was an influence on enterprise is itself incredibly hard to believe.

As for Dauntless I'd say the screen canon speaks for itself why would I need characters to constantly break "show don't tell" and hold my hand every step of the way?

That is a strawman argument, I didn't claim this is a different timeline, in fact I claimed just the opposite. Altered is not the same as Alternate. Key events that are remembered and influential are still intact, while superficial details like whether NX-01 was named Dauntless or Enterprise deviate with little consequence.

Lower decks had a

spoilerrogue AI attacking a starbase
, but no mass fleet hijacking.

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There's these things called "stars" most planets with life on them have them very close by in the cosmic scale of things, and if you look up pictures of the ISS under one you'll see it's actually quite bright...

[-] 2 points 2 years ago

Xindi showed up in the later half of PRO. They ran security at a seedy trade hub the kids were trying to hitch hike from. The thing was though that these were Xindi Reptilians and this was a snowy Ice world... Kinda a problem when ENT dedicated screen time to saying Reptilians were cold blooded (though to be fair Reptilian's did have an inclination to bio-engineering they could have just made themselves warm blooded).

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