Nice! Yeah, I knew soluble wasn't the right word here, thanks for clarifying :)
I thought a big point of soap is that it can connect with both polar and non-polar molecules. I.e. making it possible for fats "dissolve" in water.
False! A proper Vim user would never put their hand on the arrow keys.
I'm now swimming in a icy river, with a small ferry passing by next to me. Yay!
Nice pun. But It would be cool if the fox was on fire, then the joke would be more accurate:)
I don't know why, but I found this comment really funny. Have an upvote!
Nope that's unfortunately not how black holes work. It would essentially look the same as having the bulb painted black.
This is such a nice keyboard, and the documentation with all the AliExpress links is awesome 👍
Bra tycker jag! Skönt att slippa behöva bära på mer än bara telefonen. Samtidigt blir det ju ännu jobbigare om mobilen går sönder...
'The Chosen' by Yellowjackets