Strictly 5mm-10mm. No more, no less
I don't think I will be mourning the death of any jan6 insurrectionist.
On the contrary i want more services using passkeys instead of 2fa methods that are less secure (sms).
Doesn't reverse image search need to, uh, index sites with the images first?
Veganism isn't about respect for nature. It is a philosophy and way of living against animal cruelty and exploitation.
Congratulations on a legit shitpost.
How we messed up
The most major failing on our part is, of course, that we didn’t announce the migration beforehand.
No, your major failing isn't that you didn't "announce" it, it's that you didn't consult your community first. Your actions have demonstrated that you think you own the community, but communities don't belong to mods.
Moreover you have clearly spelled out that your ideological differences are because you don't want to "entertain trolls" which i can only assume means you want to ban people whose identities you deem invalid.
Frankly, get off your high horse. 196 isn't some serfdom. It was a community. You seem to have forgotten that.
I'm sorry but what the fuck are you on?
Literally the worst instance for a decentralized platform (cuz they're already too big).
please be assured we have same mod team
No that doesn't assure me. Whichever mods signed off on this should be removed from any 196 community because you took rule too seriously and forgot about your community before posting
It's really obvious what this is about. And it's not a good look for you.
It would be a real shame if our furry overlords or some other group retaliated against the heritage foundation
Lotterys are usually paid out in annuities where you would get that amount over a period of 10-30 years. However, they also give a lump sum amount which is usually ~half the stated amount and after taxes you could expect to receive 1/3 the stated amount.
Still, it's generally best to take the lump sum unless you have very bad self control and would blow through the money.
The fact that this is an internal video means at least one of your employees don't think you've learned the lesson you need to learn from this mr witty.
I was half expecting her to swat the monitor, knocking it over and breaking it lol