[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 2 days ago

Still ongoing. I wonder what the underlying cause is...

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 3 days ago

I'll be sure to check them out :)

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 3 days ago

Still seeing this one currently.

Sunday night listen (lemmy.sdf.org)

Getting ready for the new week, gotta reset those vibes before monday!

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 4 days ago

Always wild to see TechMoan stuff "in the wild" as it were. It seems so niche, but I guess that just means I need to follow this sub :D

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 4 days ago

I had a listen to AJJ, what a fun dude :) Good ol' Guthrie style folk. I appreciated it a lot.

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 5 days ago

I have not! That I gotta go look for :) Been really into punk and metal lately for like... obvious societal reasons. Alien Weaponry, Bloodywood, Raised Under Regan, Resistant Culture, Nechochwen, Xibalba, Bad Religion

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 5 days ago

I like System of a Down quite a lot, actually :D, excellent suggestion


Today I'm listening to a bunch of Resistant Culture (formerly Resistant Militia) and doing small acts of resistance - mainly de-trashing my neighborhood and breaking down stuff for the recycle bins. I also changed my voter registration and deleted my amazon/audible account.

Small acts, but I hope to they help strengthen my local community.


Do we count minidisc? Seems like it would, it is just a very small CD after all :D

This one I don't have a player for, so it's a pure collectible. Came with the high res audio though, so all good.

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 6 days ago

Which was my point, yes.

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 1 week ago

Much like when IBM bought RH and then axed CentOS?

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 26 points 1 week ago

But Fedora is based on an IBM product... so that's a swing and a miss. SuSE would be a better direction, IMO

Nu Delhi Listening party! (bloodywood.bandcamp.com)

I’ve already pre-ordered the CD, but the vinyls are calling to me as well :D

So envious of the folks catching their new tour!


The Clash truly understand "boxed sets". This one contains every single, packaged just like their 45s. I'm absolutely here for this sort of thing... I have a couple collections like this :D

I also love that the box can serve as a 'crate' for you to browse through.


Dropkick Murphys got kicked out of Xitter for standing up against Trump and Musk, and that's the kind of energy I need today.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by miguel@lemmy.sdf.org to c/music@lemmy.sdf.org

I've always liked this band, but seems like it's definitely time for me to expand my collection.

Mellow Monday vibe (lemmy.sdf.org)

Spinning this one to start off the week. Need some mellow.

Just got this one over the weekend, sounds excellent.


I feel like I might be posting too much on this sub, but I just had to tell someone :D

Today I finally got Sector 3, the final piece I was missing for my collection of the Rush Sector remastered set.

Collection spread out, showing how each remastered CD has the individual art and individual record-style sleeves, not counting the accessory DVDs for the concerts in bookfolds and the book itself full of photos, info, etc

New CD day! (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by miguel@lemmy.sdf.org to c/cd_collectors@lemmy.sdf.org

My wife gifted me with a quite a fun and eclectic CD haul!

Some of these I had only in digital form, so it was lovely to get the physical to go with it.

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 1 week ago

Haven't seen one of these in forever! I used to work in a shop that gave them to directors. They were really neat, but really hard to keep working.


My 5 disc changer is having fits, so while it's awaiting my weekend repair I thought I'd bring up a fun topic - What's your favorite mix CD?

My wife and I make these every year or two, and they're often what rides in the car as a backup for when our DAP fails.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by miguel@lemmy.sdf.org to c/cd_collectors@lemmy.sdf.org

Powerwolf's "Monumental Mass" collector's edition is nuts, there's 2 disks (BluRay + DVD) and it's excellent to toss on the computer and just immerse into. Technically this version isn't a CD, but I have that one too (and the vinyl...) :D

[-] miguel@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 2 weeks ago

Excellent album, and I dig that cover

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