... sie wird sich doch sicher davon distanzieren, oder?
... oder?
... sie wird sich doch sicher davon distanzieren, oder?
... oder?
Bei anderen Themen stört es die Legislative doch auch nicht, bereits als verfassungswidrig erklärte Gesetze nochmal zu verabschieden, hier wär das endlich mal was positives
They're saying developers dislike having to review other code that's unfamiliar to them, not having their code reviewed.
Imagine you have to choose a health insurance company to be insured with like you choose a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc). Many doctors (shops) only accept certain insurance providers (cards) due to fees and other regulations.
The problem described in this article is when your insurance lists doctors that you can go to that will accept your insurance, but most of them have gone out of business or actually don't accept your particular insurance anymore.
In solchen Momenten bin ich wieder mal furchtbar dankbar für die DSGVO, die – wenn auch gerne mal absichtlich missverstanden – ein verhältnismäßig sehr solides Grundwerk zum Schutz unserer Daten vor genau solcher unternehmerischer Schikane geschaffen hat.
is that the one that says "fuck the color blind" because if so hey!! that's not nice
IntelliJ finds most uses in my experience unless you're doing something weird with reflection or similar. And if it's a public facing API only used by the library's consumers..– it should be used in tests at the very least! Especially if it's prone to regressions like the comment suggests
No usages
Their privacy policy includes a provision that they can use the cameras and GPS to infer things such as sexual orientation, so yeah.
They've already started:
She also made calls for ceasefire back in March, which indicates to me that she would be at least a fair bit left of Biden
That's not quite right. In bytecode, lambdas are significantly more efficient than anonymous class instances. So while the lambda implementation is semantically equivalent, characterizing it like you have is reductive and a bit misleading.