This is horseshit, Opus 130k stereo is perceptually lossless according to many public listening tests. All responsibility for poor quality rests on the uploader and sometimes on idiotic downloaders that still dare to shit out MP3 in the year 2024.
uh oh... zpool scrub
ah yes, СбLР
Geometry dash insane difficulty face
Same shit, different ass
Cast the constipation spell instead
shit in pants is temporary, bloating and persistent abdominal discomfort 24/7 can drive a person insane
goals tbh
I don't suppose eating glass can really be considered an eating disorder, can it?
What is a falsehood machine, if not a truth machine with a peculiar language?
that's what we're here for, duh
joined 2 years ago
It's a young field and we're still entrenched in the consequences of the sort of mistakes that, in a few hundred years, will become "those silly things people used to do because they didn't know better".
Daily reminder that the web is a mess of corpo bullshit piled on top of 90s tech and most OSes currently in use are culturally from the early 80s.