Holy shit I thought this was like a bone hurting juice or parody at first lmao
According to their logic, Biden could order Seal Team 6 to kill Trump and then immediately resign, and he wouldn’t be able to be convicted.
Not sure but I think because it’s specifically because it’s retaliation. You can be fired at any time with or without reason, but if you can prove it was for retaliation or discriminatory reasons or something that is illegal to fire people for, that’s illegal, is my guess
That last paragraph, Jesus fucking Christ
Lmao this is meeee rn
From my understanding, it allows a website to check if you’re running a Chromium browser, and block your access to the site or to features of the site if you aren’t
Didn’t they just get FDA approval for human testing on this stuff?
When Bridget was revealed to be trans everyone got up in arms about “femboy erasure”
I thought it was cuz he never directly carried it, at least not for long. If The Ring couldn’t tempt him, why couldn’t he be the one to carry it instead of Frodo?
Cant wait for homestuck rule 34
Also helpful for people with trouble reading tone in text cuz of things like autism.