[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 year ago

Yes, that’s what I wanted to know. So alas, no out-of-the-box magic for me…I find it incredibly frustrating that in 2023 one can’t simply copy-paste text from one local console to another. It seems like a basic function for a terminal-based *nix systems which doesn’t exist. I know it’s complicated even at the first glance, with huge security implications (like copying text in the root terminal and pasting it to a user one) but I believe it’s all solvable

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There’s a gif on GitHub page, but it doesn’t make it obvious (for me) if this software can help with “regular” copy/paste. What if I’m logged into two tty sessions at once, can I copy text in nano in one tty and paste it in other editor, like micro, in the other tty? With some universal hotkey?

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 7 points 2 years ago

It’s pretty standard thing in systems other than dnd, called “drives” or “motivation”. There are plenty of them, not only nine. And there’s no need for axis, and no need for names like “path or some shit” too.

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

DM should adapt... like, okay we'll summon another demon, just less powerful

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 1 points 2 years ago

I was trying to say just that - it shows zero posts after subscribing, and other ml communities behave the same way


There's a thing about D&D - it's actually a wargame. Big share of its rules is tailored to tactical combat. "I go forward for 3 squares, use this ability, use that ability, end of turn" - that kind of stuff. You can play without it (system is a tool, yes) - but in that case you throw off half of the game rules, so what's the point? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with it and there're many people who seek for just that gameplay style.

D&D is the most famous game system due to enormous amount of money spent on it by publisher / copyright owner, and it lasted for decades. But TTRPG is much more that that.

There's TTRPG design framework, called "Powered by the Apocalypse", or PbtA, as the first game made with it was "Apocalypse World". Here's a short list of PbtA features and principles:

  • it's narrative, which leads to making and telling interesting stories
  • "Fiction first" principle - player don't use character abilities like pressing button in videogame, they describe what they want to do, and that description (possibly) triggers a move
  • Moves system. Moves are NOT abilities. Their goal is to make emphasis on key game aspects. When you trigger a move - it matters!
  • "Fail forward" principle. When player fails a roll - GM makes a move, and story takes a turn. Player gets XP for failing,
  • "Play to find out" principle. GM doesn't know what will happen. Players make the story together.

Dungeon World is a PbtA game with strong D&D flavour. That means, it has kinda familiar character classes, races, and atmosphere - full of dungeons, taverns, orcs, goblins et cetera. But it plays vastly different. It's rules-light system, easy for new players, but somewhat demanding for the GMs skills.

As for me personally, I was using reddit for its DW sub mostly, but now it's still in blackout.

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

It's much worse in Lemmy due its "federative" nature. For example, for "Dungeons&Dragons" - in reddit you have 9 subs in search, 2 of them are memes-related, 3 are "general" ones, 2 for DnD5e, 1 for DnD3.5 and 1 for UK people. They have clear distinction at least in their names, and sometimes have separate "theme", like the one for 3.5 edition. In lemmy we already have 14, most of them have same name, literally letter to letter. And don't forget that lemmy's userbase is ~6000+ times less than reddit. People just continue to create new instances and same comminities, over and over.

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

~~Can you share mage playbook?~~ Never mind, I've taken it from cached reddit page)))

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 2 points 2 years ago

Yes! If I want some kind of mage/spellcaster in my game, I go for Unlimited Dungeons variant. Bot DW and HbW mage variants are disappointedly limited

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)


upd: hit points in DW is like plot armor, it's not about health state explicitly

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I prefer Homebrew World, it's like Dungeon World 2.0 in many cases, but it's for sure tailored for oneshots or short campaigns. There are also DW: Unlimited Dungeons which shares some similarities with HbW, and Stonetop in its early access stage

[-] jnarical@ttrpg.network 2 points 2 years ago

It would be more visible on the communities page, I support this too

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by jnarical@ttrpg.network to c/dungeonworld@ttrpg.network

It's much better, no?
upd: edited title for clarity

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