[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 2 points 3 hours ago

Thanks for your suggestion regarding single words. I’ve tried dict.cc it with “baffling”, “egregious” but no translations were found… :)

I’ve also just tried translating sentences with DeepL and the results were OK, so it looks like you’re right, it’s more for translating text instead of just words.

Now, what’s even more interesting is that when translating “moron” on the webpage using a mobile browser, it shows “moron” as an alternative, but when using a desktop browser it doesn’t. If I translate “confused”, I get different suggestions for alternatives… 🤨

Screenshots: Mobile - https://postimg.cc/rRpMgzZf and Desktop - https://postimg.cc/CzXSHhG4

[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 3 points 10 hours ago

Hungarian. I've just tested it again, but I'm still not happy with the results.

Also, it always seems to suggest the word you're translating in the "Alternatives" section for some reason. So, for instance, if I translate "moron" or "baffling", DeepL thinks "moron" and "baffling" are valid alternatives. They're not, these are neither Hungarian words nor English ones that a Hungarian would use.

[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 4 points 16 hours ago

But for quality, nuance, and privacy, DeepL is unmatched.

As much as I'd like this to be true, I have to disagree. Perhaps the quality of the translation depends on the language you translate from / to, but the results I got for my native language ranged from not very good to absolute rubbish.

What's even more frustrating is that there's no (easy) way for me to report such bad results so the developers could fix them. :/

[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

It beggars belief that those videos have so many views...

[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Although I still watch YouTube videos (using Freetube on desktop, Newpipe on mobile), I recently joined Nebula.tv + curiosity stream.

[-] jimi_henrik@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago

You can also practice these whilst being stationary. Get on your bike and lean against a wall (your shoulder touching the wall giving you support and preventing you falling over). Don't clip the foot on the other side, just in case you lose balance.

This way you only need to focus on clipping in/out without having to worry about falling over. This will hopefully give you a bit of confidence before going out on the roads again. :)


joined 2 years ago