Personal note: Aside from a software demo (+very small change to other demo) and a basic 3D character controller (which I need to work on again), I really haven't worked with this much.

I have been more focused on vertex color models and their use in Godot. Haven't done much here either... but have started a collection of materials, got billboarded models* working and a simple gridmap.

*=face negative Y in blender, apply rotation. Otherwise it will not export properly.

[-] insomniac_lemon@lemmy.cafe 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Me: "If I make a new mascot platformer (gratis) with vertex colors, maybe someone would get me out of here? What are the chances and outcomes? Would I even have enough time to make something decent with current conditions?"

The entire scene is low-poly with colors defined using the mesh itself,  also the image is optimized for color to reduce data, resulting in dithering patterns. In a gray room with black and white triangle tiles, there are 6 badgers of various sizes standing and facing the viewer. Similarly, there are 5 eyes floating in the air one of which is not fully opaque. There is 1 banana on the floor.

Blender, Godot 4, player controller in Nim-lang via gdext-nim, and on top of the 3 hats I need to learn I don't have many viable ideas.

Also somewhat related to the social isolation thread in showerthoughts, I live on the edge of nowhere and don't even want to drive.


joined 19 hours ago