I’m pretty sure he’s made comments that suggest he would try to eliminate elections.
Keep it up and it will be the leg too.
I met Seán at STLV last year (I known I encountered Ellie but wasn’t aware till after the con) and was nice. There were people who asked for photos with him, which he seemed gracious to take. Me personally, I didn’t want to ask him because it looked like he was there with his partner.
I think these type of discussions came about shortly after season 1 of Picard.
This came straight from someone on Star Trek: The Cruise.
EDIT: I need to add that the last date of the Cruise for 2025 is March 2, so unless you where there, no one else would have heard.
I couldn’t watch it all. I felt embarrassed. What the fuck does Russian interference in a U.S. election have to do with Russia trying to take over Ukraine?
Clearly Trump believes he has some friendship with Putin that would influence this whole conflict.
So the views on Vulcan society, were skewed by Spock? Are you saying his comments should be interpreted as having bias?
I think you meant monastery but yes, and it is Boreth. Borath (I doubled checked Memory Alpha for spelling) is a Vorta.
Okay, I’ll just accept it as silly. Cause the supernova didn’t occur till 2387.
Oh… so in this case Mexico waited a bit long. Remember Operation Fast and Furious? I know this more about the manufacturers but should the licensed dealers be liable too?