One of the later SNES games called Secret of Evermore!
It's kind-of a spiritual successor to Secret of Mana, but with a more sci-fi bent.
One of the later SNES games called Secret of Evermore!
It's kind-of a spiritual successor to Secret of Mana, but with a more sci-fi bent.
I'm late to this party, but you might appreciate the open source Axis and Allies engine called TripleA.
My step-dad was a big WWII history buff, and he had the pc version of Axis and Allies installed on the family computer! Loved it and occasionally fire up TripleA for nostalgia.
Thank you for this! Graeber was my favorite anthropologist, and his work informed my research in grad school.
I departed the academic world years ago, but felt a huge loss for the discipline and for the global left when he passed. Currently working my way (very slowly) through The Dawn of Everything.
Interesting take, but super surprised to find it paired with an Isaac run!
Great tune! I like that some of the pop-punk sounds from 20 years ago seem to be coming back into fashion.
Wonder if they're planning a US tour any time soon?