Dang, you’re right! I forgot. Good call.
You implied proletariat mob violence. See what I did there?
I think causing a shut down would be good for democratic morale. Trump and his sycophants are going to cut all the funding anyways, may as well use it as a rallying cry.
I dunno, I don’t think us Americans have any right to control any economy based on what’s happening right now. Europe may be the safer bet.
Paywalled for me, appreciate the links to the sheets!
Why not Trump? Family separation during his first term should have been sufficient probable cause, imho
Racist sympathizers are still racist
I think it’s safe to say this isn’t just a problem for older Americans. Probably most adult Americans (if they have access to credit cards).
I don’t think the image of Luigi is only about violence. It’s also a recognition of people’s pain at the hands of the ultra rich corporate elite. He symbolizes sticking it to the man, not just blind proletariat mob violence.
Many of us enjoyed the national unity that came from recognizing universal suffering at the hands of the US medical industry.
Beetle turd is…an accurate description.
America is still very much racist. The Trump regime is particularly racist. They seek to codify their unspoken biases.
You’re really good at projecting.