[-] gh0stcassette 25 points 6 months ago

It seems like gcc rust would pretty much fix that issue, since soon gcc will be able to compile rust for any architecture gcc supports.

[-] gh0stcassette 24 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Bats, I want their crazy advanced immune system and interferon production. Bats are tiny mammals with a metabolism even faster than a rat/mouse due to the high energy needs of powered flight. Typically, small mammals with this fast of a metabolism will live like 2-5 years, because cell division is so rapid that after only a few years, the cells' DNA becomes too damaged to continue. However, bats have insane immune systems. They're immune (asymptomatic carriers) to nearly every virus capable of infecting them because their immune systems produce so much interferon that any damage to the DNA (eg from a virus inserting code for its own reproduction into a cell) is corrected almost immediately. This process also partially repairs damage from cell-division, meaning that bats can live up to ~40 YEARS depending on the species. If a human had that ability, it would be like living to 400 or 500 years old, and being immune to nearly every disease (between native viral immunity, and antibiotics for bacterial infections)

[-] gh0stcassette 24 points 7 months ago

Is this the Russian Government censoring them, or is YouTube just pulling out because the sanctions mean they can't run ads to Russian IPs?

[-] gh0stcassette 17 points 8 months ago

Damn, trumpoids made it to lemmy? How? Shouldn't you be spending time with your grandchildren or getting your brain melted by AI slop on facebook or something 💀

[-] gh0stcassette 19 points 9 months ago

I mean, the correct answer is just to pirate it, but you could probably fool it into thinking you're on windows by changing the user agent string of your browser to Chrome Windows x86_64

[-] gh0stcassette 24 points 9 months ago

We'd probably be fucked, but it'd be interesting to see. The professed ideology of the Chinese state is very different from their actual actions -- for example, they mandate study of texts by Marx and Lenin that advocate for worker-controlled militant labor organizing while at the same time banning any non-state-controlled unions. An actually Marxist AI might turn on them lmao

[-] gh0stcassette 21 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This the same guy who (allegedly) has apparently been having unethical CNC kink parties💀? Like no judgment, I'm actually kind of into CNC, but you have to Actually get enthusiastic informed consent first (and during) and use safewords. You can't just foist it on people who happen to show up to a party, that's literally (allegedly) just sexual assault. Seems like he might just be (allegedly) completely indifferent to the concept of consent.

Edit: here's the source https://www.salon.com/2024/05/21/coercive-climate-of-silicon-valleys-ai-boom-fuels-troubling-parties-researcher-says/

Apparently the person didn't specify any specific OpenAI executives by name, so it's uncertain whether Altman knew about the parties. Still reflects poorly on him if this is the culture at OpenAI tho imo.

[-] gh0stcassette 14 points 1 year ago

Honestly, worst case scenario, if YouTube manages to completely eliminate adblockers, maybe by making some kind of cryptographic system where the browser has to provide a token embedded inside the ad video stream in order to access the video, I would still use an extension to mute sound and draw a black bar over the ads while technically playing them in the background, it's not the wait time that bothers me, it's how repetitive and obnoxious the ads are, I just don't want to perceive them.

[-] gh0stcassette 23 points 1 year ago

Frame it however you want, you're not even wrong. It still remains true that, if elected, Trump is going to try to end democracy and replace it with a fascist dictatorship. Biden is Not going to do that.

That's literally it, that's the only relevant factor to consider when deciding if you're going to vote for Biden. I hate him as much as everyone else, but I don't hate Biden more than I hate the idea of getting put in a camp for being trans at some point down the line, and if you do you're shortsighted and you value your ability to feel Morally Pure over actually doing anything.

[-] gh0stcassette 20 points 1 year ago

There's definitely an element of that, but imo their recent embrace of WSL and linux tooling for development is just to try and expand their market share in the software development space. Very few devs develop on windows unless they're game devs, C# devs or working on something else that requires windows/Microsoft tooling, everyone else is on Linux and macOS because windows is bad for developing software.

It's basically an admission that their tooling is bad, but it's fine because you can just run linux development tools on windows now, so please don't switch to Linux fully

[-] gh0stcassette 27 points 2 years ago

Multi-level marketing is a kind of pyramid scheme, they're only legal because existing anti-pyramid scheme laws only prohibit "businesses" that don't actually sell any products, and make all of their money through recruitment.

MLMs get around this by recruiting people to "sell" products, but recruits must pay for them in advance (almost always at a massive markup) and the products are typically so overpriced and/or poorly made that many of them go unsold.

So, almost all of the profit of those at the top of the pyramid comes from their downstream recruits recruiting more people to "sell" the product, even though product sales are completely unrelated to the success of the scheme as a whole.

[-] gh0stcassette 18 points 2 years ago

I mean yeah, but I think the solution here is just age verification. If you're posting nsfw OC, you should have to verify age with mods, and if you're posting nsfw from online, you should be able to prove they're of age if prompted (like, if it's a famous pornstar, they should be verified on pornhub or onlyfans or something so it's easy to check whether they're of age).

Like, I have small tits, I'd like to be able to post nsfw without people insinuating I'm pedo-baiting or that people attracted to me are intrinsically pedophilic. Just have strictly enforced age-gates and ban anyone being creepy

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