[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 177 points 11 months ago

Forbes has never attempted to verify this list anyway. It's all self-reporting, and it's well established that Trump lied to get on the list.

The guy is such an embarrassment that he even pretended to be his own assistant, calling people to tell him how great he was.

And they recognized his voice. They knew it was this loser pretending to be his own assistant.

Think how sad that is, for a guy who legitimately could have just hired a PR person to do this.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 278 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

McCarthy: "hard-right Republicans want to burn the whole place down!"

Moderate Democrats: "so you'll work with us instead, to pass legislation that keeps the lights on, and addresses some of the problems we both agree exist?"

McCarthy: "No. Fuck you. Die in a fire."

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 219 points 1 year ago

Of course. How can you raise a new generation of Nazis if you teach them to be horrified by the actions of the last?

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 592 points 1 year ago


Anti-nuclear is like anti-GMO and anti-vax: pure ignorance, and fear of that which they don't understand.

Nuclear power is the ONLY form of clean energy that can be scaled up in time to save us from the worst of climate change.

We've had the cure for climate change all along, but fear that we'd do another Chernobyl has scared us away from it.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 289 points 1 year ago

To my dying day I will never understand how anyone can tolerate this pathological liar.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 227 points 1 year ago

That's a pretty good way to go, apparently.

But there have been an absolutely breathtaking number of death row cases that have been overturned due to new evidence that had exonerated the condemned.

It seems pretty clear that the state is doing a very crappy job of determining guilt, and therefore shouldn't be handing down such a permanent sentence.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 184 points 1 year ago

Absolutely. And in so many way. I'm only in my 40s and I feel like I'm living in a vastly different world than the one I was born into.

The rate of change is unlike anything humans have ever had to cope with in our 2 million year history.

For almost all of human existence, there wasn't even a CONCEPT of progress... no sense that humanity was going anywhere. Your life was virtually identical to that of your great great great grandfather, and would be the same experience had by your great great great grandchild.

I remember a world of rotary phones, small towns with personalities before chains homogenized the world. I remember how the United States had a whole different personality before 9-11. I remember when Republicans had actual plans for governing (OBAMA'S affordable care act was basically a clone of Bob Dole's plan). I remember the world before the Internet, when malls were packed and buzzing, when shopping in stores felt magical and not like a ghost town.

I remember analog and even black and white TVs. I remember the first video games and PCs,b dial-up Internet, browsers before tabs were invented.

I remember when acid rain was there number one environmental concern, and how we actually accepted the science and made policy to fix it.

I remember the bugs.

I remember so many more bugs. The night alive with fireflies. Windshields plastered with splatters on the highway.

I remember paper maps! FM radio. Cassette adapters.

The world is so, so, so different. It changed so fast.

Republicans became a suicide cult.

The government stopped breaking up monopolies, and started bailing out too-big-to-fail banks.

The United States tortures people now. People never charged of a crimes were tortured at Guantanamo Bay.

I grew up in a home that my parents bought cheap. They had two cars. They took us on vacations every year. They saved up for retirement. My dad had a PhD. He did well.

I have a law degree. I will never own a home. I will never be able to afford even a single vacation. I will never be able to retire.

They rolled back Roe.

They staged an insurrection.

I've been working with GPT-4 night and day since it was released to the public. I'm 100 percent convinced that with a little supplementation, it is the first artificial GENERAL intelligence.

It can already create better writing and code than MOST of the human population.

Where will it be in 5 years? 10? 20?

It's going to be smarter, funnier, more creative, more thoughtful than all of us. In our lifetime. WHY, then, are we even HERE at that point? Why do we even exist?

These were questions for science fiction. For the future.

It's happening NOW. WE, of all humans in the span of history, are the ones who will see our species become obsolete.

So yeah. Let's take moment to realize how cosmically, historically insane it is to live in this moment.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 199 points 1 year ago

Just a reminder that Grand Jury made up of Georgia citizens saw the evidence, most of which was provided by Republicans, and saw enough prima facea evidence of Trump's guilt that THEY felt it warranted the indictment.

Fani Willis is doing her job. The only people playing politics are the ones trying to impeach her.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 270 points 1 year ago

I'm sure there were a huge swath of people who used Twitter and didn't care at all about Musk one way or the other.

Then he rebranded and threw his ego and control in everyone's face. And all the people who like Twitter IN SPITE of Elon were now forced to acknowledge that their Twitter is gone.

Just like over at reddit now, the latest move has alienated the people who really cared about the platform itself. If they rebranded to "Spez's World", though, a lot of the people who didn't give a shit before would suddenly be ready to bail.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 196 points 1 year ago

How about a new rule that if you vote for a war, you are automatically enlisted. And if you're ineligible to enlist you must either abstain or vote no.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 200 points 1 year ago

Pence: "Donald Trump tried to destroy our democracy and he tried to get his supporters to kill me. However, I don't think it's appropriate to punish him in any way, and of course I'll vote for him over Joe Biden."

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 278 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Republicans are at war with young people in general. It honestly looks like they are actively TRYING to lose as much of the youth vote as possible:

  1. Young people deeply feel the existential dread of climate change. Republicans still deny the basic facts about it, and fight all attempts to mitigate it.

  2. Young people understand that their lives have been destroyed by student loans at rates and amounts unheard of in the past. Republicans not only have ZERO empathy, here, they are actually delighting in cruelty about it. They actively tried to add RETROACTIVE interest charges to student loans as we reach the end of the pandemic loan freeze, on top of their efforts to make it virtually impossible to have loans forgiven for public service.

  3. Young people are less religious than ever, while the right wing is using the court to turn us into a theocracy.

  4. Young people have progressive attitudes about LGBTQ rights, and the Republicans are centering their 2024 campaign on a contest of how bigoted they can be in this area.

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