The only way i would believe it is if they meant a screw or two or one of the flat metal plates that is used to secure other components. Ive repaired i pho es and they are a pain tk deal with and sometimes you forget exactly which screw goes where when they are mostly so small they all look the same. I misplaced a small plastic component thst acts as a sound amplifying cone to direct your voice soundwaves to the microphone use for phone calls and it made it so people couldnt hear me unless i used the speaker phone. But thats no good reason not to repair. They should have drawers filled with those screws and other internal irrelevant components
Sometimes its easier to risk your life than it is to get proper documents to cross some imaginary lines.
Just when I ask what more can space karen possibly do or say this year thats more idiotic than all the other shit he has done or said, he gives us this polished gem of a turd.
So at least 27 crazy motherfuckers have survived this? Likely induced hypoxia and worn a few extra layers to escape whatever hell they were in back home and take a gamble on odds worse than betting on black at a roulette wheel? Dayyuummmm i mean maybe if the others bought a hart or milwaukee battery heated coat and taken a tank of oxygen the odds would double in their favor?
And the homeless with the rhetoric space karren is putting out lately.
I cant believe people still think the POTUS is the most powerful person in the world. They don’t even take a shit without getting permission from the wall street military and prison industry profiteers that own all our representatives and social institutions.
You're right! But so many times i hear the wrong phrasing used to protect the institution of modern policing. Language matters. Which is why I believe “defund the police” was chosen after the george floyd and brianna taylor(and all the other mostly brown casualties of police brutality) inspired protests. It was chosen because it was destined to fail even though the police do need to be defunded and demilitarized however the proper language should have focused around ending drug prohibition which is the main factor allowing racist attitudes to continue permeating police culture and a majority of police tax payer funding goes to the enforcement of draconian drug laws that have blatantly failed their stated purpose. (Althiugh I personally believe the stated purpose of drug prohibition was never the true purpose and the true purpose was actually to increase the black market price of narcotics and funnel poor and mostly minority people into for-profit prisons despite the fact that affluent wealthy white people are the largest consuming and distributing demographic of narcotics.
Either way you are correct. one bad apple does indeed spoil the entire bunch and there are far more than one bad apple within all the collective bunches we have that comprise our modern militarized policing apparatus
There is no law mandating that charities have to give any specific amount of the money they collect which is why many charitable organizations can get away with siphoning as much as they they can to executive pay and administrative costs 5-15% may be a lowballed generalization there are likely some people in these roles who do better. Red cross claims 90% goes to the cause but thats highly unusual. There are 42 different charitable non profits in the us where their ceo alone is paid over $1,000,000. The ceo of the sloane kettering cancer research center, Selwyn Vickers earns an annual compensation of just over $5.7 million. Now thats not much for a charity that takes in 7.3 billion but i would be surprised if more than 1.5 billion of that actually went to cancer research My favorite argument against charity is by Slavoj Ziezek in “first as tragedy then as farce” who argues that charity demoralizes and degrades it is immoral to use private property to alleviate the issues caused and exacerbated by private property society instead needs to be reorganized so that poverty is impossible.
Here is some good reading on how the system of charitable non profit organizations is abused bh the wealthy to further enrich themselves
People just want to know more about him.
But i appreciate your answer. It is Based Af
What a convincing argument, bravo!
Indeed. But i am curious, are you questioning the info on, the google timestamp or the December 9th date people are using to write it off as fake?
Did you forget about the crusades buddy?