Give a try. Basically a youtube frontend that isn't ass.
Protip: "It gets better later" isn't a good way to promote a game.
It has to be good from the start.
If it isn't and it can't hook a player, you've just lost a customer, who likely just refunded the game as well.
Now personally: I like terraria from start to end. It got a bit boring in the middle. I used to not be able to play it at all because /something/ about the game really triggered my migraines. It doesn't anymore, and I can play it.
I was thinking it's only spam servers, but it might actually just be downtime for hetzner or something.
Instances do not get banned on lemmy. You can run any kind of an instance.
That said, part of this could be providers pruning "fake customers", aka spammers, scammers, etc, who "paid" for their servers with stolen CC and SSN.
Edit: Someone up to making an uptime map for Lemmy, placing servers on a map based on where they report originating at? This could help seeing if a specific datacenter has downtime.
Minäpä venyttelin selkääni yksi päivä, CIA soitti ja kyseli haluaisinko Amerikan Presidentiksi kun noin ryhdissä olin.
Owned, unless you have proof they still do.
Oh nooo! Anyway, make the best game you can.
AAA studios, you can stop crying, you're like a master car mechanic crying because you can't bolt down a single goddamn nut with pre-existing tooling.
Yes, Vortex is awful. Wanna download a 100 mod collection without shilling money to Nexus, which they sure as fuck won't give to mod creators?
Lmao you better like clicking 300 times to finish those downloads, oh and the fucking buttons keep moving to combat "automation software".
Aka the spoiled brats.
Any site that allows customers to resell is a culprit of supporting the grey market. Even if they vet their resellers, you'll get the occassional hacked accounts, and legitimate resellers "turning" rogue after reaching their target reputation.
Use to find actual discounts. Or buy on Steam. Or pirate it. Never support grey market.
Ain't as simple as "just disable them". G2A acquires keys through buy-one-get-two deals, using stolen credit cards, money laundering, stolen keys (mass mailing the devs for "preview" keys, which they then flip on G2A) etc.
So there's no way to know the origin of keys in G2A. By the time you know it's stolen keys, they've been sold out, and G2A has a notorious history of not giving a fuck about the situation.
You could just arbitrarily disable all keys, but you'd affect >90% legitimate customers.
Tässä on nyt kyllä semmoinen juttu että suurin osa ihmisistä keskittyy pelkästään API muutoksiin. Tämä vaikuttaa vain ja ainoastaan kolmannen osapuolen sovelluksiin, ja moderaattorien elämän vaikeuttamiseen.
Se mikä tulee tuhoamaan Redditin on toinen muutos minkä kaikki tuntuu unohtaneen. Se mikä tappoi myös Tumblr sivuston.
Reddit aikoo estää NSFW subreddittien katsomisen ilman käyttäjätiliä. Se missä API muutokset vaikuttavat max. 20% käyttäjistä, NSFW muutos tulee vaikuttamaan yli 90% käyttäjistä.
Jos 5% ihmisistä käyttävät päätiliään selatakseen /r/tits, ja 90% tekee sen ilman tiliä, 5% vaivautuu tekemään NSFW tilin erikseen. Huomattanette mihin tuo muutos johtaa.
Prosentit on revitty perseestä, ja tilastoja ei ole, lähde on "trust me bro". En kuitenkaan näe Redditille tulevaisuutta.
It's more so lucky that there was someone diligently doing that. It could've easily gone unnoticed had there not been someone like him.