[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

"Warmonger bad" FTFY

Blame those who start and continue wars. It's not entirely the fault of any one country, but there's only one leader who could put a stop to this latest one.

Conditions? yeah like that's not just going to inject needed capitol for an extended conflict so they can keep it going at this point. I don't like how tangled up the world is getting in to this mess and I definitely don't like how much it's impacting civilians, but sanctions is clearly not the ONE thing keeping this war going, it was a response to it. It certainly didn't start it and it's clear that some leaders value pride over logic. Money isn't solving that issue (more or less) now that it's started even if it started as a distraction from economic problems. Whatever that leader is telling the people, he's the only one who can end this. We need to end this mess. I'd encourage you to be open minded about what factors are keeping this war going, but I understand that's hazardous in some parts of the world.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've noticed this even when trying to find the name of a song. I used to be able to search:

lyrics "a specific part of the song I remember" whatever random words I can remember out of order

and it would very reliably find songs, even obscure ones. Now the only way it works is if I happen to remember part of the name of the song, usually it's full of entries for the same popular song that has one word in the title that I included that is definitely not what I'm looking for.

It sounds stupid, but I really miss that working.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

That is likely true for a majority of "the good stuff", but making that determination can be tricky. Let's consider spam emails. In our daily lives they are useless, unwanted trash. However, it's hard to know what a future historian might be able to glean from a complete record of all spam in the world over the span of a decade. They could analyze it for social trends, countries of origin, correlation with major global events, the creation and destruction of world governments. Sometimes the garbage of the day becomes a gold mine of source material that new conclusions can be drawn from many decades down the road.

I'm not proposing that we should preserve all that junk, it's junk, without a doubt. But asking a person today what's going to be valuable to society tomorrow is not always possible.


To be clear, I have not had any issue whatsoever here on Beehaw. The philosophy that they/we are trying to uphold is admirable and seems to have helped foster and preserve positive and constructive conversation. Of course this isn't going to always be the case, especially on other instances. I have been wondering how the Fediverse in general and Beehaw specifically will react when the source of aggressive and toxic comments are moderators of their own instances and those instances are very popular.

A lot of people have been coming over from reddit, regular users as well as mods. It's reasonable to expect that some of the issues that existed on reddit would crop up here. One thing that is unique to the Fediverse is the ability to see the history of moderated comments and posts. This makes it possible to have some community oversight over the mods themselves. So my question is, once a moderator exhibits problematic behavior, what is the appropriate community response? Obviously we could block the community or the entire instance, but that has the potential to cut us off from a significant number of conversations if we block a large community when the problem is coming from a single individual or small group.

This is an open ended question regarding best practices for all communities, I'd appreciate some insight into the thinking process or if there is an established protocol. For context, my concerns were prompted by a specific conversation. I am a big Star Trek fan and was looking forward to being part of a fresh community in the Fediverse in part because of experiences I had in /r/startrek and I got the feeling that my experience was not an isolated situation. Full disclosure: It was the only sub I ever got banned from. The ban was the result of trying to discuss the Paramount streaming service and their ad practices. Arguably not on-topic for a Star Trek sub, sure but most of us Trekkies got forced into an awkward situation with Paramount because of their licensing practices. Anyway, the response I got from the mods at that time was curt and final and it really left a bad taste in my mouth for the whole community. Well apparently the same mod team has created a Lemmy instance; startrek.website. I attempted to subscribe (it still shows as Pending) and I started catching up with the posts. One of the recent posts yesterday was: https://beehaw.org/post/517566 celebrating 100 users. One of the few comments read:

Live long and prosper, c/startrek! 🖖 Oh yeah are we going to get banned for nothing here too or is it cool to have varying opinions now? by @OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world

That caught my attention because it is not the first time I've heard similar complaints about /r/startrek, so I was curious how this community would handle contrary opinions and discussions that don't put a particular show or episode in a flattering light (something that most Start Trek fans enjoy to some extent even though, or because it's one of their favorite franchises). Unfortunately this comment was responded to very harshly. I did not get a screenshot of the comments and they have since been deleted by the user . They were disparaging comments to say the least, but I do not want to try to recount them from memory as it might not be accurate and the specific language is irrelevant. However, I felt the need to reply to OccamsTeapot to commiserate and to point out that they were not in the wrong and that they did not disserve to be attacked.

@distractionfactory to Star Trek@startrek.website • Celebrating 100+ users • Definitely the most toxic comments I’ve seen so far. I was excited to find a star Trek community gaining traction here, but this guy’s got me looking into how to block their comments. Literally the first time I’ve had any desire to do that on this platform. The experience up to this thread has been overwhelming positive. Hopefully we can use the features of this platform to keep hot heads like that from gaining power.

I'm not sure why, but this comment never made it to that post's history, maybe for the same reason my subscription is pending. This was before I realized that the "hot head" in question was not only the OP, but a mod, and was apparently a mod from /r/startrek, possibly the one that OccamsTeapot was expressing frustration with. I went back to see if he had replied today and noticed the entire conversation was removed:

I was able to find the comments removed by the mod because they are logged, but not the comments by the mod himself because he deleted them from his own account: "removed by mod" comments

This moderator escalated the situation immediately with no provocation, threw out juvenile insults, then tried to erase the entire thread. Not only did he remove his own inappropriate replies, but the initial comment that triggered them. I don't think OccamsTeapot realized he would offend anyone by the question, and the only reason to take offense is if this person was involved in the drama on reddit. It's a valid concern that I think a lot of people moving to Lemmy might share and suppressing it is entirely inappropriate. The one thing that is clear is that criticism of mods behavior will be just as poorly received on startrek.website as it was on /r/startrek.

This kind of behavior makes me hesitant to contribute to that community, not only for fear that my comments might be removed or I might be banned, but that the discussions that I am reading are being censored and curated to an extent that they don't represent the community, but an echo chamber that had been curated on reddit.

Maybe I have been lucky, but I haven't encountered this kind of abuse of power anywhere else on Lemmy, has anyone else run into this yet?

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

I could see that working for everything except for other people and objects brought into the holosuit.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

It definitely breaks the explanations that we've gotten in-world for how the holosuites work. There's even comments in other DS9 episodes about the walls being closer than they appear (Garak in Afterimage comes to mind). We never see a large holosuit inactive to get a sense of the walls, but the Vic Fontaine episodes also break this space with lots of people being fairly spread out.


Someone recommended the book to me since I am a Star Trek fan, it's definitely a neat perspective. Think "Lower Decks" but more self-aware and meta.

The audio version of the book being read by Wil Wheaton makes it even better.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

App can mine more data which is the real product.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago

Having trouble finding information about a reddit alternative called Tilde, it's one of those words that is too open ended. Is this what they're talking about?

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

Instance owners could update the descriptions on https://join-lemmy.org/instances to include a link to a "Who are we" kind of readme.

Ultimately I'm not sure any of the instances will look the same in a month.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 31 points 1 year ago

This meme came up when I was looking for recent information about him.

Gotta wonder how that conversation would really go.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

You bring up an interesting point and it's something that I've been wondering since I learned about lemmy and the federated structure; will it end up being more or less susceptible to bots and bad actors than reddit? I don't have a prediction, I really don't know. But if even a small percentage of the reddit userbase migrates and sticks around we're going to find out because it's going to become a target.

NASA Fire map (firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov)

All the news is talking about the smoke. Thought it would be good share tools for tracking the actual fires. They're not all in Canada.

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Local users don't display the host (at least not on beehaw), that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

[-] distractionfactory@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago

Science Fiction, amateur radio, electronics... and maybe some equivalent of the popular (popcorn) subreddits; damnthatsinteresting, wtf, showerthoughts, TIL.

Ultimately I don't know yet. I'm hoping to see some new stuff that I didn't think to look for. Any topic can be interesting if people are passionate and not toxic.


Any DS9 fans here? At first I hated Kai Winn episodes, but then I realized how well she works as a villain in the series. Gul Dukat was the more impactful antagonist overall, but the series might have been more shallow if everyone on Bajor was a "good guy", although it would have been nice to see more of Kai Opaka before ...
spoiler... they killed her off (or after they killed her and brought her back, but stranded her in the Gamma Quadrant).

This is my first post. I am looking for a good place for Star Trek discussions, news, jokes, memes, etc. that isn't reddit. I figure it will be a while before it needs it's own community. I'm going to miss some of the content in trek subreddits, but not the Paramount sponsored mods.

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