tech illiteracy 👆
those were slashes
It is almost adorable how people think America needs fascism to be a special form of a globally destructive hegemony.
One of those countries is actually dangerous.
US of A will see a lot of Nazi action over the next few decades.
No matter the degree or seniority, the answer is always NO.
I'm a sucker for Morrowind and I'll always be. Because I'm old and boring, but also because I just love the weird quirks of an epic game that doesn't take itself too serious. Skyrim is a calf.
Pantshitter, mein Froind. Nix shit pants. Klugscheißer ist aber auch hübsch.
Oh Mein Bruder
Ah, Kwiatz
Those, all the time.
Okay I laughed while my exoskeleton genes got activated.
joined 2 weeks ago
The evil ones die in tons of Disney movies. That's where mostly the US of A got their brains washed and consequently celebrate a public execution without due process.