[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 2 points 13 hours ago

I want and will try this. I want him too. I want to make it work. He’s a great guy and I’m willing to wait I don’t mind but it would be so much easier if I did these things and was more confident with myself and had more supportive friends around me but it’s hard :/

submitted 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) by canadianchik@lemm.ee to c/relationship_advice@lemmy.world


So I’m with this guy for the past 4 ish months now, he’s so sweet and the best guy I’ve ever met. I usually don’t fall / catch feelings because I’m so traumatized of my past with my ex and male figures in my life but I fell so hard for him. We both really like each and want to make it work. We spoke two days ago in person (he was visiting for work) and he felt bad because he mentioned he might not be able to offer me as much attention and time being so far and with his work but I told him it’s okay. Hes only gone for 11 months but i really want to make this work but I’m so scared of being hurt.

I know this is toxic but sometimes I do look through his following list and I saw he liked this girls posts but I don’t care. He was following this girl who post thirst pics or whatever but I actually told him about it and how I felt and he was so caring and understanding and he unfollowed. I wouldn’t want someone liking a girls picture and I wouldn’t do the same (I guess that’s just a boundary of mine).. after I saw the other post which was literally just a girl posing nothing bad no cleavage nothing, I’m not sure why I got upset. I didn’t tell him but I did tell him that it will be a boundary of mine to like opposite genders posts unless it’s like celebrating or something good and he agreed, he also stated he wouldn’t want me liking a guys post. I don’t see a point to it. So that’s out the way and sorted. Part of me is still worried, I know I’m being dramatic but I’m not sure why it makes me sick to my stomach when I see stuff like that. I am a bit insecure yeah and I’m working on it but my ex used to tell me he would watch girls twerking and compare me to them to my face so I feel like I’ve always been compared my whole life. I told him this and he understood me 100%. He’s the best and I don’t want to lose him.

Ok anyways my main concern is how lonely I will be. I feel depressed pretty often but I try to hide it and I do a good job, I like to make people laugh and I seem like a bubbly person when I’m around you but sometimes I just feel really alone. It is really really hard when I like him so much and we won’t be seeing each other for 6 or more weeks, it hurts so much. He left yesterday and I’m already hurting and thinking of how I will kill time. I am in school but my schedule is still not that busy. I have attachment anxiety too and I’m always worried someone will get bored/leave me. He knows this. He’s very respectful and caring. We both care a lot for each other which is why I need to fix my shit because I don’t want to ruin anything. I am sad when he’s gone but I’d also be sad if he’s gone forever. How do I work through my insecurities/fear and be stable without being able to see him often? I really need advice. I only have one main friend I don’t hang out with anyone else so that’s why I feel a bit lonely :/

I just want to know how I can get over this caring about social media because I hate it. I know it doesn’t mean anything but I need to know how to stop this cycle too.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

I know I can but I don’t feel quite ready for it. I’m scared? Idk why. I’m fine with strangers seeing it but somehow worried for him. Tomorrow I’m seeing him with only mascara and lipstick or gloss on which will be super light makeup. Each time I wear less and less.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

How can I improve this? Because another issue I have is him seeing me with no makeup. I mean I don’t wear much, I’ve cut out a lot of makeup since talking to him . I used to wear concealer. Eyeliner mascara highlight blush and lipstick but I’m starting to cut out the concealer and eyeliner and just keep mascara and lipstick gloss or lip stick. It’s like baby steps until I feel ready…

I’m going to look into therapy but I’m still nervous. I will talk to my doctor about options for teens as I did before but majority was online and no face to face interaction which sucks (mainly just. Texting app) I also want to practice rejection therapy as well to see if that helps.

Do you think I can boost my confidence while being in a relationship? I would never let my insecurities get in the way of it (except this one time I guess) but looks wise I’d never go crazy over it so I hope it’s fine

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago

It was very very embarrassing but I’m so surprised by how he respomded. I started crying at work because I’ve never had someone acc understand instead of lash out and get angry with me. It feels good.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Super 🥲🥲😍😍

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago

My name don’t apologize, you’ve get every right to be upset by that, and it’s literally so stupid but I liked the meme, I didn’t even register that it was a thirst trap. I don’t think I’ve ever watched her lives either so I have no idea what she does there. We can talk about this on Friday as well, but it’s literally so stupid on my part. I’m not sure when the last time I sent a dm to her, but by no means did I ever put the comparison of you and her in my head. I deleted the conversation from my dms because I was embarrassed with it. I haven’t liked a post of her since like November when we started talking, but I didn’t even realize what that would do to you. 

You’re right it is rude, and I’m embarrassed by it and I feel gross.

This is what he said.

I feel so appreciated

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

Yes, I texted him, explained what I did and why because of how it made me feel. How it brought up a trigger I never knew I had. Etc etc. I hope it works out but I’m worried. I only get insecure and jealous when I’m with / like a guy. When I’m doing my own thing I’m perfectly fine. I’ve gained so much confidence compared to a year ago which I’m proud of. I got diagnosed with a thyroid disease two years ago and had put on weight due to it which is why my confidence has plummeted. I’m working on it though.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

That is 100% why. I feel so bad for what I’ve done. Like I can’t believe I joined her live and did that. I feel sick to the point I just wanna cry at work. I don’t know how to get this over my head. I’m insecure about myself at times so maybe I’m not ready for a relationship but then people saying loving the right one it wouldn’t matter if ur insecure or not. I am scared. I’ve been heartbroken so much that when I feel something real the instinct to break It before it “hurts” me is so bad. Do I tell him what I did? I don’t want to because I feel like it’s so embarrassing and awkward but part of me feels so weird like I need to let it out. I’m scared

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

No I definitely do. Ur right.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

I know. I watch porn too. Idk why but the thought of him getting off to other women or whatever makes me physically ill. Like thinking about it makes me want to throw up. Ughhhhh

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

Thank you. You see I’m like half over it already .. part of me feels guilty for going all out and telling her to unfollow but I honestly just want to see if he notices/followes her again. I feel so bad and I was sick to my stomach because I’ve never done anything crazy like that and I cannot tell him I’ve noticed because I don’t want him to think I’m stalking him you know. We have only been talking and stuff for 3 ish months now. I was going to wait it out, see how it goes the next week and take it from there. If he follows her again then I’ll bring it up to him? I see him tomorrow and we said we were going to talk about stuff because I wasn’t feeling well about me and him a couple of days ago and brought up how I’m worried we won’t work etc etc. I’m scared. I rlly like him but I’m worried this long distance and if he keeps doing this (I will talk about it to him if it continues) will ruin it.

[-] canadianchik@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

One more thing, I feel like the fact he doesn’t like my stories but gave her picture attention is what gets me. I mean he likes my Posts but not my stories. Idk. I like him a lot but sometimes I think I might not be ready for a relationship with these jealousies lol

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