submitted 5 months ago by avater@lemmy.world to c/deutschland@feddit.de
[-] avater@lemmy.world 175 points 5 months ago

who gives a fuck about companies?

[-] avater@lemmy.world 139 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Russia is really stretching this out, aren't they. Maybe they need some proper ass kicking to fall back in line.

At some point the west has to react.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/warhammer40k@lemmy.world

For example the great Rogue Trader, Boltgun and far more

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/deutschland@feddit.de

Wir dürfen an keiner Stelle und an keinem Ort mit den Zielen, die dieses System erreicht, verknüpft sein", sagte Scholz bei der dpa-Chefredaktionskonferenz. Deshalb stehe dies nicht als Handlungsoption als Nächstes auf der Tagesordnung.

"Diese Klarheit ist auch erforderlich. Ich wundere mich, dass es einige gar nicht bewegt, dass sie nicht einmal darüber nachdenken, ob es gewissermaßen zu einer Kriegsbeteiligung kommen kann durch das, was wir tun",

gequirlte scheiße wenn ihr mich fragt...

unsere Waffen töten schon jetzt Russen und mit der Taurus hätte die Ukraine die Chance das Böse schon an der Wurzel zu bekämpfen. Diese hirnlose Herauszögern und die fadenscheinigen Argumente spielen den Russen munter in die Karten, während in der Ukraine weiter Menschen sterben.

submitted 7 months ago by avater@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Let's see where it goes.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don't forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if you like those games. Good for you!

Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Not a bad game per se, but I don't get the hype behind it. Sure the dungeons are fun but the world is so lifeless, the story non existent, the combat pretty shallow, the tower climbing is very much like FarCry but for some reasons it's okay here while Ubisoft gets the blame...like I said I dont get why the game is so beloved. Never finished it after the 20 hour mark and probably never will.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Just like Zelda not a bad game, but imho highly overrated. Graphics and and atmosphere are amazing but the controls are clunky and overloaded, nearly everybody is an unlikable douchebag who I would love to shoot myself at the first opportunity (maybe except Jack and Abigail) but I have to root and care for them. The game is just so long and feels very stretched, you already know that you won't get Dutch because it's a prequel and for an open world game you often get handholded in your weapon selection or things you can do because you have to wait for them to be unlocked by the game. I'm now nearly done with the game, playing the epilogue at the moment and I would say the last chapters are more entertaining than the rest of the game, but I still can't understand why this game was on so many game of the year lists and I really wanted to put the controller down a dozen times.

So there they are, two highly controversial oppinions by me and now I'm really curios what your takes are and how highly I get downvoted into oblivion 😂

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/deutschland@feddit.de

Anscheinend steht die Traditionsschmiede aus dem Pott vor dem Aus. Wirklich traurig, Gothic war damals für mich ein absolutes Meisterwerk, eines meiner ersten Spiele und hat mich so richtig für dieses Hobby begeistert.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Basically the title. Do you play games with your family over the holidays and if yes what kind of?

I have my Xbox Series X at my parents house because I lend it to my brother so he could play starfield on release and he brought it here.

Just bought Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and because of the stormy weather here in germany there is nothing else to do, so we are playing terroist hunt in splitscreen together with my two brothers all day long in between the quality time with my parents and eating.

Such an amazing game and just like the old days. The Xbox is really the perfect retro console imho!

submitted 9 months ago by avater@lemmy.world to c/bonn@feddit.de

Mir ist heute morgen ein komischer Geruch in der Ludt draußen aufgefallen, hat das noch jemand bemerkt oder weiß vielleicht warum?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world
submitted 9 months ago by avater@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

CNN — Hamas said the attackers behind a Jerusalem bus stop shooting that killed three people on Thursday were members of its military wing, Al-Qassam Brigades.

Seven people were also injured after the two attackers, identified by Hamas as two brothers, opened fire on a group of people in Jerusalem, authorities said.

The shooting in Jerusalem comes amid a truce between Israel and Hamas which has seen a pause in the fighting and the release of Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

[-] avater@lemmy.world 165 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Get fucking rid of twitter. I will never understand why people still cling to this platform, not in general, not after all the news, the bots, the right winged dipshits and everything else...what is so hard about it?

[-] avater@lemmy.world 114 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Challenged by the BBC about the attack of 7 October, Mr Marzouk claimed that Mohamed el-Deif, the leader of Hamas’s Qassam Brigades military wing, had ordered his men to spare civilians.

yeah I heavily doubt that last part. What Isreal is doing to civilians is cruel, unacceptable and should end immediately but let's not forget that the Hamas is exclusively targeting Israeli civilians and also is willingly accepting palestenian civilians as casualties...

submitted 10 months ago by avater@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

The conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East has heightened tensions across Europe, where authorities are on high alert for potential acts of terror and violent unrest.

In Germany, a wave of bomb threats this week has forced authorities to evacuate some schools and other sites across the country.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by avater@lemmy.world to c/guildwars2@lemmy.wtf

made some clean up and scaled it up to 4K resolution

[-] avater@lemmy.world 235 points 11 months ago

Hamas ≢ Palestine

[-] avater@lemmy.world 189 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Just as a little reality check for all Hamas "fans" out here which are actually comparing them to Israel. The Hamas is founded on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which are a fairytale full of antisemitism and proven, false statements about Jews and how they are responsible for every bad thing that happens during the centuries and their diabolical plot for world domination (of course one of the favorite lecture of the Nazis)


Those idiots are really believing this fairytale and they use it to justify the murder of innocent people and Jews in general. So the next time you step in in defense of the Hamas or when you compare them to Israel, keep in mind that they are doing this because they believe in some antisemitic fairytale written by a crazy Russian back in the old days...they are basically Scientology only more degenerated and more violent.

[-] avater@lemmy.world 126 points 11 months ago

laughs in german 🤣

[-] avater@lemmy.world 113 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Das Ding wird doch bestimmt in ein paar Tagen für 8 Monate weggesperrt, ohne Bewährung. Kann ja nicht sein dass im Gottesstaat Bayern Kaiser Söder als Lügner geschimpft wird und bestimmt blockiert der Zähler eine wichtige Straße.

[-] avater@lemmy.world 107 points 11 months ago

why is america reverting itself to the dark ages?

[-] avater@lemmy.world 110 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Als Grünenwähler schockiert mich das Tief nicht so sehr, wie mich all der Hass, all die Lügen, all die Falschinformationen und die Propaganda des rechten Spektrums schockiert. Für mich machen die Grünen absolute Realpolitik, lassen Atommeiler weiter laufen (!) wegen einer Energiekrise, rüsten trotz ihrer Einstellung gegenüber Kriegen massiv auf wegen eines russischen Angriffskrieges und dennoch wird ihnen alles angehängt.

Natürlich machen sie alles nicht perfekt, machen Fehler aber wenn man sich den Schmutz der rechten Presse und der rechten Parteien anschaut sind die Grünen die Wurzel allen Übels und es wird nicht genug gegen diese Falschmeldungen, diese Propaganda unternommen. Und das macht mich am Ende fassungslos und wütend. Ich werde weiter Grün wählen , die LG unterstützen und das wird mein Protest sein, aber viel Zuversicht habe ich in unsere Politik oder Zukunft nicht mehr.

[-] avater@lemmy.world 127 points 1 year ago

that erdogan even thinks his country will become part of the eu...

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