Would users authenticate through lemmy? Any chance you could stand up a sandbox/staging canvas ahead of time to test that out? Or is it just a totally separate authentication?

The real crisis is the possible end of humanity due to climate change, caused by humanity.

Obviously. But you are aware that there can be multiple crises at once, and that some people may be more aware of / concerned about one than the other?

[-] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No pushback? The video you linked shows him leading with the fact that global warming is real and significant. And in other videos he has expanded more on that, clearly stating that it is an existential risk.

But in this video, he said that this (real) crisis could/would be used to further totalitarian controls. That's not denial, that's "yes and".

As I mentioned, it's rational to defend personal individual rights while still directing the power of government to clean up the environment.

Hey! I run a lemmy instance as well and some of our users are asking for the old interface.

Did you deploy mlmym onto the same server as your main lemmy instance, and if so any chance you could share how you adapted your docker and nginx configs? (Assuming you initially had a setup like the one provided by the official lemmy ansible script?)

If you actually listen to him talk rather than just fishing for gotchas, you'd see he points out that the government currently operates in the name of corporations - subsidies, liability protection, use of force. This is a big part of the problem in the ongoing proliferation of fossil fuel extraction and consumption. It's not as irrational as you make it out to be, to defend personal individual rights while still directing the power of government to clean up the environment.

[-] apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

RFK Jr 2024 🙌️ 🙌️

End the corrupt merger of state and corporate power. End the forever wars. Clean up the environment. Fund science to identify the causes of problems, not just to develop new ways to monetize treatment.

PS. An article making a big deal over the fact that he paid vendors? Thanks CNN.

The Apes' Guide to Lemmy (lemmy.whynotdrs.org)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/meta@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is open source software used for running individually hosted social media networks in the style of Reddit. It is built on the ActivityPub protocol, and is part of the Fediverse.

We wrote this introduction with Apes in mind, but you may also want to check out the introduction and tutorials at join-lemmy.org located at https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/01-getting-started.html

How is Lemmy structured and moderated compared to Reddit?

Lemmy has Instance administrations and Community moderators

The analog is Reddit administrators and Subreddit moderators

Instance admins can perform all mod actions on all communities, just like Reddit admins can perform all mod actions on all subreddits

Meanwhile, Community/Subreddit mods only moderate their community or subreddit

What is the Fediverse?

The Fediverse refers to a collection of social media software which all are open source, independently hosted, and can choose to interact with each other. These software are all built on the same protocol and can interact with each other and share users. When instances opt in to the broader system, they are ‘federated’.

Tips for signing up

When you make an account on a federated Lemmy instance like this one, you can interact with all other instances and communities which are federated. The differences between instances are up to individual instance admins, who decide who can sign up and what content is allowed on their instance along with moderation rules.


When signing up, Lemmy can freeze up if the username you are trying to register already exists or if you are using a password longer than 63 characters long. As detailed in the instance policies, limiting data collection means that no email account recovery is supported. Please ensure that you save your login information somewhere securely such as a KeePass data file. After signing up, there is a verification process which is manual. Our DRS instance admins do their best to check and approve applicants quickly.

Have you reviewed our Instance Policies?

See here: https://lemmy.whynotdrs.org/post/1209

TLDR: Treat everything you submit to this instance as public. Instance admins (we) will attempt to reduce data collection as much as practicable, and will maintain open access for anyone to view posts and comments on this instance.

Different clients you can use, and how to set them up

Once you have your account created and approved, you can choose to browse Lemmy through an app or other client. You can find some apps here: https://join-lemmy.org/apps/





👀 Following Superstonk via Lemmy

The lemmit.online instance replicates a number of Reddit subs to Lemmy communities through an automated bot which crossposts content. You can follow those communities through your Lemmy account no matter which instance you signed up on.

For Superstonk specifically, just follow !Superstonk@lemmit.online

For other subs, find the community you are interested in following, and then paste the community’s tag (listed in the community’s sidebar) into the search function on our instance. For example:

How to start a new community on this instance

Click the Create Community option along the top. You’ll need to select the community name, the URL, and optionally can include sidebar content.

On Lemmy, Communities are automatically moderated by the person who creates them. That user can appoint other moderators, pin stickies, and moderate content on that community. It’s very similar to how Subreddits are made and operated.

On the lemmy.whynotdrs.org instance, we welcome all communities who wish to discuss the financial markets and surrounding topics including specific stocks, investing styles, rules and regulations, crypto and web3, and the culture around money itself.

List of non-local communities you may want to subscribe to

You may want to start your Lemmy journey by browsing some of the largest instances and subscribing to some of their communities. These are some of the largest general instances which cover a wide array of topics.

Each instance has its own user base. Your login credentials on your home instance won’t work anywhere else. If you are using the DRS instance as your home instance, how do you find and subscribe to new communities through your own instance?

How to find new Communities to follow

If you're coming over from Reddit, these three resources can help you find migrations for communities you may have followed on Reddit:

For finding new communities, perhaps the easiest way to find instances and communities is to search for them on https://lemmyverse.net/ - at the top of the screen, you can filter for either instances or for communities. This will parse ALL federated instances and their associated communities, and is very robust - it will search titles, domains, and sidebars in order to help you find things you are interested in.

Set your home instance first. At the top right of the screen, hit the house icon and search for your home instance. Here’s how you can select this DRS instance:

Once your home instance is set, you can easily navigate to communities on any instance by clicking the community name, which will be a generated link.

After that, just hit subscribe on the sidebar and you are good to go!

If necessary, you can create and share URLs which will navigate to any community on any instance from any instance following this formula.


[home instance url] [/c/] [community name] @ [hosting instance name]

Views (New vs Active, and Subscribed vs Local) and setting your default preferences

Okay! You have found some communities to follow - these could be on your home instance, on one of the largest and universal instances, or niche communities found through the network search at lemmyverse.

Just like with Reddit, you have some choices to make about how you want to interact with the communities you joined. Your main choices are the types of posts to display and the communities to display them from.

Lemmy’s own core developers explain it well here: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/03-votes-and-ranking.html

Blocking Users, Communities, or Instances which you want to avoid

Each user has the ability to block or hide content from specific users or specific communities.

In the case of users, you can block them in order to avoid seeing comments or posts which they make. Click on a user’s name on a comment or post and you’ll see the option at the top of the screen.

For communities, you can avoid ever seeing their posts on your various feeds. While navigating a community, the option to block it will appear on the right sidebar.

Public Moderation Logs: How they work and how to search them

Lemmy’s moderation logs for all instance administrator actions and community moderator actions are available for public review at all times - and do not require sign up to access.


Moderation logs are collected together for all federated instances, and so can be difficult to parse in real time without searching for a specific mod. Once you type the name of an individual mod, select them from the dropdown and you can review all mod or admin actions they have taken. Posts which were removed can also be viewed and scrutinized here. There is complete transparency into moderation actions.

Location: suburbs of Chicago, IL

While I usually live in NC, I am visiting family. In this particular brand of suburbia, every single day the streets are alive with the sound of gas powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers. While I watch the news drone on about petty celebrity drama, the graph breaking upward trend of ocean temperatures elicits barely a word from any news source, and people carry on paying to burn gasoline to make already short grass shorter and move the cuttings around.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

Hey apes! The censorship I spend most of my time bringing to light on this co is from (presumably) personally driven censorship decisions on Reddit. Today, I'm going to cover an ongoing story on censorship from the federal government itself.


In case you missed the original injunction that came out two weeks ago, a Federal judge issued a temporary injunction on the Biden administration prohibiting them, in no uncertain terms, from urging/pressuring/inducing social media companies to remove/suppress content containing protected free speech.

What is particularly interesting to me is the sheer detail of this injunction - 155 pages citing examples of past actions, examples of targeted individuals, and naming dozens of specific individuals and departments in the government who are specifically being put on notice.

While I'm not any sort of legal analyst, I think the amount of detail in this injunction sets a clear tone for the remainder of case. Basically, I take this as presumptive evidence that the government has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar and is guilty here. (Not that this is a criminal action. I'm using guilty in the vernacular sense)

Freedom of speech is essential. Be suspicious of apparently "private" censorship on the internet. Demand accountability from your government. Demand transparency in finance. BUY, HOLD, DRS, BOOK, SHOP, COMMENT, SPREAD THE WORD.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

As a reminder, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc. Thanks for keeping tensions to a minimum! (Especially with our always fair and steady-handed friend, the federal government 😬️)

Auto-crosspost: https://lemmy.whynotdrs.org/post/22100

Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/153zf5r/sec_currently_deleting_comments_on_proposal/

A short sample of the removed comments still visible in the index:

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

As a reminder, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc. Thanks for keeping tensions to a minimum!


On-reddit discussion:


Another one. Don't forget "No more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period.”

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

As a reminder, due to the unfortunate risk of escalating tensions, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc.

Original post: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/152a2r1/the_mod_team_seriously_needs_to_look_into_all_the/

Auto-crosspost: https://lemmy.whynotdrs.org/post/20348

On-reddit commentary: https://www.reddit.com/r/drsgme/comments/152d1bm/a_story_in_3_pictures_sad_to_see_history_repeat/

For context, I believe the "no meta content" mandate by RAdmins only covered content which was cross-sub or person-oriented, and not content on intra-sub moderation policy/practice, a belief which was not resolved in attempted discussion | with | mods. Nevertheless, the more expansively no-meta content rule adopted by mods is frequently used to shut down discussion of our own community's moderation policies and practices.

Update: Banned - https://lemmy.whynotdrs.org/post/22099

Due to the unfortunate risk of escalating tensions, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc.

I generally feel that way a lot of the time... though not as much at the supermarket, moreso when I am enjoying nature, believing so many of these species I enjoy observing will suffer a miserable and fearful extinction

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

As a reminder, please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc. Thanks for keeping tensions to a minumum.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/anticensorship@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
Pattern of Twitter bans (lemmy.whynotdrs.org)

I think games are coming out that are still just as fun. The only reason I may have less fun with gaming is because outside stress in the world makes it harder to engage as fully with the games today

Triple-negative on the headline here was pretty confusing, but having read the article:

This veto from Biden veto supports making the emissions standards stricter/cleaner

Support Lemmy development! (lemmy.whynotdrs.org)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by apes_on_parade@lemmy.whynotdrs.org to c/meta@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

Want Lemmy to get better? Support its development at https://join-lemmy.org/donate

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joined 1 year ago