Microsoft found a fitting way to punish AI for collaborating with SEO spammers in generating slop: make it use the GitHub code review tools.
The age of book shovelware has arrived:
Edit: TIL about the US copyright office website’s ai generation info on works. That’s a thing we will be making a bunch of use of, I imagine.
Apparently there are two GitHub repos up with strongly conflicting information on what happened, this is gonna be a three-buckets-of-popcorn incident.
They added sleeps to training jobs? Sounds like they deserve a raise for improving energy efficiency instead…
I live like 15mi from there, I would prefer the containment bubble to stay intact. But the tech bubble is welcome to go blow up any moment
Let’s bring the haunted nuclear reactor back online so copilot can hallucinate a little more
Easy to arrive at that being the ideal profile:
- Ufos are a psyop
- Ufos fly
- cruise missiles fly
- hence, cruise missiles are a psyop.
ChatGPT, please explain to me the difference between “haggling” and “negotiating”
Ehhhh. This is the identical PR they ended up accepting:
I have feels about the implied “the author behaves like a shithead because he’s ESL” but eh. If it works.
Of course - it’s all part of the cancel culture grift economy. I look forward to us being able to hate-read Jon’s self-published autobiography in a few months.
Author has a pronoun right in the title. Just like one of these “there is a huge spider perching on your shoulder” situations.
I have some positive news, someone did the math: