I would definitely hate to be burdened with an IQ. Such a terrible thing to be born with
Yes we do AGIle: we ask ChatGPT what our customers want and then ask it to write software to fulfill those requirements. Every two weeks it writes up some imaginary sprint retrospective meeting notes. Planning poker doesn’t work so well, this iteration isn’t so good at bluffing yet.
What a blessed world we live in - 2014 a homeless person had to learn to code in order to deserve the things they need to live. Today, they just need to become a prompt engineer. The trajectory of the world bends towards justice, after all!
Of all the awful and bad reasons to homeschool, “my government forces my kids to learn parroted bullshit” is probably the most annoyingly valid.
I don’t think anyone is surprised, but brace yourself for the next round of OpenAI and peers claiming to fix this issue.
Can’t wait to see the prompt injection attempts that reconstruct the entirety of paywalled papers tbqh.
ChatGPT, please explain to me the difference between “haggling” and “negotiating”
I don’t see any of them play an if err != nil { return err }
so they can’t be all that smart now, can they
Ah yes, the cia is no stranger to the artifice of intelligence.
York and the surrounding counties are currently very much a culture war battleground. There’s a bunch of school board initiated censorship, bomb threats against libraries (and then subsequent defunding of those unless they promise not to do anything that could cause offense to domestic terrorists), that sort of thing. (Edit: forgot to mention the hate tracker, some more stuff I didn’t think I wanted to know about my own neighbors)
That crap is done by people and I imagine these folks are among those doing it, and so are their friends and neighbors.
Valley Forge, PA
Yep, checks out.
Right, sure he picked the most glorified fantasy race out there, “but evil”. When in reality he’s a Duergar at best:
Sounds about right for the joyless world he imagines his ideal society would represent.