I was gonna answer that most animals don't live as long and reproduce faster than humans (so populations survive despite increased cancer risk), but when I looked into it I found a deep rabbit hole. In the case of wolves, I'm sure plenty died early on, because the populations present appear to have some genetic immune adaptations that protect them from cancer. I know other species (like frogs) have dark skin because the melenin increased the survival rate of the darker frogs at the time of the accident. So that is to say probably a lot of wildlife died, and that natural selection lead to some critters that are pretty resistant to radiation.
Americans view Europeans in general as weirdly comfortable around sexuality. Which is I think just a side effect of Americans in general being bizarrely prudish around sexuality.
You are completely divorced from the reality on the ground.
A good chunk of the unhoused (at least where I live, US CA) have jobs, it's just not enough for rent or they can't find a place because of poor credit, which means the places available are even more expensive. Rent has increased faster than median income, and way faster than low income.
Most unhoused are there temporarily. Anything nice they have may be from before they got into their present situation. And what are they supposed to do? Pawn off their cell phone for pennies on the dollar?
The explosion in number of unhoused people is not just a bunch of people happening to have some sort of moral failure all at once. The simpler explanation is that our economy and society is failing. And what do we expect to see as resources are hoarded by the powerful at exponentially increasing rates? Where do those resources come from?
Also self report on your attitude toward Roma people.
I think the meme is fairly clearly making fun of American conservative/fascist discourse. Like the whole watering down of any semblance of a working definition of CRT when referenced by right wing pundits and moral panic board meeting parents, where right wing people call every call to be somewhat decent human beings "CRT" or "wokism", and then have no actual working meaning for those words except as something that seems left wing and makes them uncomfortable.
I started using y'all years ago due to its ungenderedness, in part from being in queer spaces. Walking into a room of trans women and enbies and saying "you guys" felt weird.
Heh no that's the mushroom forager's bible right there, going back many years, it's assigned reading for mycology students and very reputable. It's funny how much it looks ML generated, but it well predates ML image generation. For reference, he's holding a flesh colored mushroom and a trumpet.
I had a client at a law firm who moved to a different city, but continued to remote into his computer at work. At some point someone moved it to some other spot in the building so they could have someone else use his desk, and he continued to use it without issue.
Until one day it shut down, while he was in the middle of something very important and lawyery. No one at the firm was willing to look for it (as they were all lawyers), so we had to send a technician on site to just check each room until he spotted an old computer connected to power and Ethernet in the corner of a mail room.
Some months later it happened again, in a the middle of another important time sensitive lawyer thing. Except now he had two headless computers which he used both of (an old computer and a new one he was migrating to), and he still didn't know where they were physically. Luckily there was a intern on site to do the search this time, but it took some time to figure out which was which when we did locate them.
I think you might not be from the US, or live in a bubble here. All around me are people on the verge of homelessness, who can't afford basic medical care, who work multiple jobs to afford rent and food, who can't afford daycare for their kids while they work. There are plenty of places where things are far worse, but there's also plenty of places where things are far better. Most western european workers get way more time off, unions, better medical care. Brazil has free medicine. China has wayyyy cheaper (and just as good) medical care. Granted these places have other problems, but I can't say that the US has anywhere near the best quality of life for an average worker.
The circle of lif.
I'm 100% down to kick in. Open Collective or Liberapay might be a way to avoid Patreon's cut. But I'd definitely donate to a Patreon too!
Yeah I've been increasingly nervous. It feels like there's such a growing, hyperfocused anti-queerness on the right. I hope it doesn't keep increasing, but my hopes aren't high. We need to be prepared to defend ourselves and our communities from fascism, but I don't really know how.