Hmmm, I never really thought about the sugar part. I wasn't aware there were withdrawal symptoms from sugar. So I didn't think about it.
We don’t need to fix plastic, we need to replace plastic.
Did they release the details of their poll though? I mean, they can't be too far off, Biden did lose both the electoral votes and the popular vote.
Fair point!
Yep, that headache type is the exact kind I had too.
Well from the literature I read, it affects people differently. I drank a lot, but probably not as much as coffee drinkers.
My caffeine was mainly Mountain Dew. Couple of 20 oz bottles a day, every day for several years. Not much compared to most gamers and shit.
But for me, it was very very painful and uncomfortable to quit.
I also know someone who drank coffee every day all day, way more caffeine than I did, and she quit cold turkey. One day headache, then she was good.
Great use for it!
I should try this. Cuz, I love that snooze button!
How was your experience? When I quit caffeine cold turkey, I was miserable. Crazy ass dreams. Headache that wouldn't go away. Two weeks of just total shitty symptoms. Month before I felt totally ok.
Now I'm caffeine free, but holy fuck, that was tough.
Quit caffeine that way. Brutal. Felt like shit for a good solid two weeks. Didn't feel normal for another month.
But I did it and now I'm caffeine-free. :)
Yeah, her saying that really put the final nail in her campaign. She assumed because she had so much donation in her war chest, that everyone was in love with Biden. She was wrong.